Nomans Land
The Source Of Mimir

The sun will cast its dawning rays
Upon the runes inscribed in rock.
The mossy rock by the side of the road
Has kept its secret since ages began.
It recalls how the Earth came to be,
And the light came out of the darkness.

It remembers the hands that cut the holy signs
Into its cold grey flesh.
He who sacrificed himself, hanging on the ash-tree of life
Knows the mystery of the holy signs.

He who suffered for the knowledge of the Runes,
Has left them for the new world to see.
The rock what was washed with sacrificial blood
Revealed the mystery of the world by the Velves.
It remembers the Suttung tribe,
It knows how the Aesir dies.

Mirror lyrics:

It knows how the Aesir dies.
It remembers the Suttung tribe,
Revealed the mystery of the world by the Velves.
The rock what was washed with sacrificial blood
Has left them for the new world to see.
He who suffered for the knowledge of the Runes,

Knows the mystery of the holy signs.
He who sacrificed himself, hanging on the ash-tree of life
Into its cold grey flesh.
It remembers the hands that cut the holy signs

And the light came out of the darkness.
It recalls how the Earth came to be,
Has kept its secret since ages began.
The mossy rock by the side of the road
Upon the runes inscribed in rock.
The sun will cast its dawning rays

Relevant Tags:
TThe SSource OOf MMimir he ource f imir hTe oSurce fO iMmir fhe zource kf jimir fThe zSource kOf jMimir Tfhe Szource Okf Mjimir
5he wource 9f kimir 5The wSource 9Of kMimir T5he Swource O9f Mkimir hhe dource 0f nimir hThe dSource 0Of nMimir Thhe Sdource O0f Mnimir
yhe eource lf Miimir yThe eSource lOf Mmir Tyhe Seource Olf Mmiir 6he xource if Mjmir 6The xSource iOf T6he Sxource Oif Mijmir
ghe aource Off M9mir gThe aSource O M9imir Tghe Saource Of Mi9mir rhe Soource Oc Mlmir rThe Surce Ocf Mlimir Trhe Suorce Ofc Milmir
Skurce Or Momir Te Skource Orf Moimir Teh Sokurce Ofr Miomir Tje S9urce Og Mkmir Tjhe S9ource Ogf Thje So9urce Ofg Mikmir
Tue S0urce Ot M8mir Tuhe S0ource Otf M8imir Thue So0urce Oft Mi8mir Tne Slurce Ov Mumir Tnhe Slource Ovf Muimir Thne Solurce Ofv Miumir
Tbe Siurce Od Mimmir Tbhe Siource Odf Miir Thbe Soiurce Ofd Miimr Tge Souurce Mijir Sorce Thge Soruce Mimjir
Tye Sohrce Mikir Sohurce Thye Souhrce Mimkir Thee So7rce Minir Th So7urce Minmir The Sou7rce Mimnir
Ths Sokrce Mimiir Thse Mimr Thes Soukrce Mimri Th3 Soirce Mimjr Th3e The3 Souirce Mimijr
Thf So8rce Mim9r Thfe So8urce Mim9ir Thef Sou8rce Mimi9r Thr Sojrce Mimlr Thre Sojurce Mimlir Ther Soujrce Mimilr

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