Not By Choice
Just Words

you need to understand,
I need to tell you.
All the times i had the chance,
i let them pass by,
I never knew, till it was to late,
I didnt think it would be this way.
Im here with all the guilt, and everything to say.

I didnt appritiate you,
i took it for granit, just like i always do.
im standing all alone,
at the end of the line, paying no mind...
It happened once, it happened again.

try as i might, i could never explain,
when i see you, when i hear your name,
memory gained, bringing it all back. (X2)
so much pain, driving me insane.

I got it wrong,
thinking you were easy,
not listening when they told me.
i swore i had you, i thought i could never lose,
too much damage, so many lies, promises broken,
everything cant be forgotten..the truth is,
i used you, i didnt realize.
Now its to late, im sorry
so much left i need to say.

try as i might, i could never explain,
when i see you, when i hear your name,
memory gained, bringing it all back. (X2)
so much pain, driving me insane.

Mirror lyrics:

so much pain, driving me insane.
memory gained, bringing it all back. (X2)
when i see you, when i hear your name,
try as i might, i could never explain,

so much left i need to say.
Now its to late, im sorry
i used you, i didnt realize.
everything cant be forgotten..the truth is,
too much damage, so many lies, promises broken,
i swore i had you, i thought i could never lose,
not listening when they told me.
thinking you were easy,
I got it wrong,

so much pain, driving me insane.
memory gained, bringing it all back. (X2)
when i see you, when i hear your name,
try as i might, i could never explain,

It happened once, it happened again.
at the end of the line, paying no mind...
im standing all alone,
i took it for granit, just like i always do.
I didnt appritiate you,

Im here with all the guilt, and everything to say.
I didnt think it would be this way.
I never knew, till it was to late,
i let them pass by,
All the times i had the chance,
I need to tell you.
you need to understand,

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JJust WWords ust ords uJst oWrds kust aords kJust aWords Jkust Waords iust 3ords iJust 3Words Jiust W3ords must dords mJust dWords
Jmust Wdords nust eords nJust eWords Jnust Weords hust sords hJust sWords Jhust Wsords uust 2ords uJust 2Words Juust W2ords qords
Jst qWords Jsut Wqords Jhst Woords Wrds Juhst Wrods J7st Wkrds J7ust Wkords Ju7st Wokrds Jkst W9rds W9ords Jukst Wo9rds
Jist W0rds W0ords Juist Wo0rds J8st Wlrds J8ust Wlords Ju8st Wolrds Jjst Wirds Jjust Wiords Jujst Woirds Jyst Worrds Jyust Wods
Juyst Wodrs Jusst Wodds Jut Wodrds Juts Wordds Juzt Wo4ds Juzst Wo4rds

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