Normal Like You
As Seen On Tv

alone in your escape.
alleviate this sequence.
utilize the option to disregard.
26 inches provoke destruction.
power: on.
kiss your refuge good-bye.

it came to me that monday morning,
the visual display.
a thought had come to mind,
just maybe the television's right.

so be afraid, and assume the role,
succumb to observation.
objects appear closer in the mirrors.
concern is fed to me, and
this querulous digestion furthers me to see i'm paranoid.
so sit inside and snuggle up to safety.
power: on.
let it alter your life.

it came to me that monday morning,
the visual display.
there's nothing here to be afraid of.
the television lies.
believe it, baby, the hype is real.

Mirror lyrics:

believe it, baby, the hype is real.
the television lies.
there's nothing here to be afraid of.
the visual display.
it came to me that monday morning,

let it alter your life.
power: on.
so sit inside and snuggle up to safety.
this querulous digestion furthers me to see i'm paranoid.
concern is fed to me, and
objects appear closer in the mirrors.
succumb to observation.
so be afraid, and assume the role,

just maybe the television's right.
a thought had come to mind,
the visual display.
it came to me that monday morning,

kiss your refuge good-bye.
power: on.
26 inches provoke destruction.
utilize the option to disregard.
alleviate this sequence.
alone in your escape.

Relevant Tags:
AAs SSeen OOn TTv s een n v sA eSen nO vT zs zeen kn fv zAs zSeen kOn fTv Azs Szeen Okn Tfv qs ween 9n 5v qAs wSeen 9On 5Tv Aqs Sween O9n T5v
ss deen 0n hv sAs dSeen 0On hTv Ass Sdeen O0n Thv ws eeen ln yv wAs eSeen lOn yTv Aws Seeen Oln Tyv xs xeen in 6v xAs xSeen iOn 6Tv Axs Sxeen Oin T6v
aeen Onn gv A aSeen O gTv As Saeen On Tgv Az Om rv Sen Omn rTv Asz Seen Onm Trv Aw Ssen Oh Tvv Sseen Ohn T Asw Sesen Onh Tv
Ad S3en Oj Tb Ads S3een Ojn Tbv Asd Se3en Onj Tvb Ae Sfen Ob Tc Aes Sfeen Obn Tcv Ase Sefen Onb Tvc Ax Sren Tg Sreen Asx Seren Tvg

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