Normal Like You
The Next Song

Here in America,
They say that we are free,
Titled to Opinion,
But we don't know what they might be,
We can Liiiiiiiive, in...
Some place without any change,
And I wish,
Today would be different,
But i knew it'd end up the same,

OH i don't wanna be,
i don't wanna be,
whatever description,
that you labeled me,
And nobody cares at all,
my failure's your pleasure,
it never gets better,

I can't accept your words,
And I won't let them touch my pride,
Simple in our complexion,
Then we're labeled and just tossed aside

nothing to say,
there's nothing I can say,
to make things better,
i wish that today would be different,
I should have known better,

Oh i don't wanna be,
I don't wanna be,
whatever description that you've labeled me,
and nobody cares at all,
my failures your pleasure,
it never gets better,


Oh I don't wanna be,
ii don't wanna be,
whatever description that you've labeled me,
and nobody cares at all,
my failures your pleasure,
it never gets better,
it never gets better,
it never get better...

Mirror lyrics:

it never get better...
it never gets better,
it never gets better,
my failures your pleasure,
and nobody cares at all,
whatever description that you've labeled me,
ii don't wanna be,
Oh I don't wanna be,


it never gets better,
my failures your pleasure,
and nobody cares at all,
whatever description that you've labeled me,
I don't wanna be,
Oh i don't wanna be,

I should have known better,
i wish that today would be different,
to make things better,
there's nothing I can say,
nothing to say,

Then we're labeled and just tossed aside
Simple in our complexion,
And I won't let them touch my pride,
I can't accept your words,

it never gets better,
my failure's your pleasure,
And nobody cares at all,
that you labeled me,
whatever description,
i don't wanna be,
OH i don't wanna be,

But i knew it'd end up the same,
Today would be different,
And I wish,
Some place without any change,
We can Liiiiiiiive, in...
But we don't know what they might be,
Titled to Opinion,
They say that we are free,
Here in America,

Relevant Tags:
TThe NNext SSong he ext ong hTe eNxt oSng fhe mext zong fThe mNext zSong Tfhe Nmext Szong 5he hext wong 5The hNext wSong T5he Nhext Swong
hhe jext dong hThe jNext dSong Thhe Njext Sdong yhe bext eong yThe bNext eSong Tyhe Nbext Seong 6he Neext xong 6The Nxt xSong T6he Nxet Sxong
ghe Nsxt aong gThe Nsext aSong Tghe Nesxt Saong rhe N3xt Soong rThe N3ext Sng Trhe Ne3xt Snog Nfxt Skng Te Nfext Skong Teh Nefxt Sokng
Tje Nrxt S9ng Tjhe Nrext S9ong Thje Nerxt So9ng Tue N4xt S0ng Tuhe N4ext S0ong Thue Ne4xt So0ng Tne Ndxt Slng Tnhe Ndext Slong Thne Nedxt Solng
Tbe Nwxt Sing Tbhe Nwext Siong

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