Norma Jean
Sometimes It's Our Mistakes That Make For The Grea

It feels so good up to my skin.
One more mile and it is sinking in.
I have tried to make mine a tree.
And not have so much of me.
God has stolen my heart.
So I will write it down.
I consume myself with invisible things.
This is my escape.
A pen and book and if the world can see what I got and then lets all have a good look.
A fortunate one.

Mirror lyrics:

A fortunate one.
A pen and book and if the world can see what I got and then lets all have a good look.
This is my escape.
I consume myself with invisible things.
So I will write it down.
God has stolen my heart.
And not have so much of me.
I have tried to make mine a tree.
One more mile and it is sinking in.
It feels so good up to my skin.

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SSometimes IIt's OOur MMistakes TThat MMake FFor TThe GGrea ometimes t's ur istakes hat ake or he rea
oSmetimes tI's uOr iMstakes hTat aMke oFr hTe rGea zometimes jt's kur jistakes fhat jake cor fhe hrea
zSometimes jIt's kOur jMistakes fThat jMake cFor fThe hGrea Szometimes Ijt's Okur Mjistakes Tfhat Mjake Fcor Tfhe Ghrea
wometimes 9t's 9ur kistakes 5hat kake ror 5he yrea wSometimes 9It's 9Our kMistakes 5That kMake rFor 5The yGrea
Swometimes I9t's O9ur Mkistakes T5hat Mkake Fror T5he Gyrea dometimes lt's 0ur nistakes hhat nake gor hhe brea
dSometimes lIt's 0Our nMistakes hThat nMake gFor hThe bGrea Sdometimes Ilt's O0ur Mnistakes Thhat Mnake Fgor Thhe Gbrea
eometimes ot's lur Miistakes yhat Maake tor yhe vrea eSometimes oIt's lOur Mstakes yThat Mke tFor yThe vGrea
Seometimes Iot's Olur Msitakes Tyhat Mkae Ftor Tyhe Gvrea xometimes kt's iur Mjstakes 6hat Mzke vor 6he frea
xSometimes kIt's iOur 6That Mzake vFor 6The fGrea Sxometimes Ikt's Oiur Mijstakes T6hat Mazke Fvor T6he Gfrea
aometimes 8t's Ouur M9stakes ghat Mqke dor ghe trea aSometimes 8It's Or M9istakes gThat Mqake dFor gThe tGrea
Saometimes I8t's Oru Mi9stakes Tghat Maqke Fdor Tghe Gtrea Soometimes ut's Ohr Mlstakes rhat Mske Foor rhe Grrea
Smetimes uIt's Ohur Mlistakes rThat Msake Fr rThe Gea Smoetimes Iut's Ouhr Milstakes Trhat Maske Fro Trhe Gera
Skmetimes Itt's O7r Mostakes Mwke Fkr Gdea Skometimes I's O7ur Moistakes Tat Mwake Fkor Te Gdrea
Sokmetimes I'ts Ou7r Miostakes Taht Mawke Fokr Teh Grdea S9metimes If's Okr Mkstakes Tjat Mxke F9r Tje G4ea
S9ometimes Ift's Tjhat Mxake F9or Tjhe G4rea So9metimes Itf's Oukr Mikstakes Thjat Maxke Fo9r Thje Gr4ea
S0metimes I5's Oir M8stakes Tuat Makke F0r Tue Ggea S0ometimes I5t's M8istakes Tuhat Mae F0or Tuhe Ggrea
So0metimes It5's Ouir Mi8stakes Thuat Maek Fo0r Thue Grgea Slmetimes Ih's O8r Mustakes Tnat Male Flr Tne Gtea
Slometimes Iht's O8ur Muistakes Tnhat Malke Flor Tnhe Solmetimes Ith's Ou8r Miustakes Thnat Makle Folr Thne Grtea
Simetimes Iy's Ojr Misstakes Tbat Maoe Fir Tbe G5ea Siometimes Iyt's Ojur Mitakes Tbhat Maoke Fior Tbhe G5rea
Soimetimes Ity's Oujr Mitsakes Thbat Makoe Foir Thbe Gr5ea Sommetimes I6's Oyr Miztakes Tgat Mame Forr Tge Gfea
Soetimes I6t's Oyur Mizstakes Mamke Fo Soemtimes It6's Ouyr Misztakes Thgat Makme For Thge Grfea
Sojetimes Ig's Ourr Miwtakes Tyat Maje Fod Tye Geea Sojmetimes Igt's Ou Miwstakes Majke Fodr Gerea
Somjetimes Itg's Our Miswtakes Thyat Makje Ford Thye Greea Soketimes Ir's Oud Midtakes Thaat Maie Fo4 Thee
Irt's Oudr Midstakes Tht Maike Fo4r Th Gra Somketimes Itr's Ourd Misdtakes Thta Makie For4 The Grae
Sonetimes It''s Ou4 Mietakes Thzt Makee Fog Ths Grsa Sonmetimes Its Ou4r Miestakes Thzat Mak Fogr Thse Grsea
Somnetimes Its' Our4 Misetakes Thazt Make Forg Thes Gresa Someetimes It'ss Oug Mixtakes Thqt Maks Fot Th3 Gr3a
Somtimes It' Ougr Mixstakes Thqat Makse Fotr Th3e Gr3ea Somteimes It's Ourg Misxtakes Thaqt Makes Fort The3 Gre3a
Somstimes It'z Out Miatakes Thst Mak3 Fo5 Thf Grfa Somsetimes It'zs Outr Miastakes Thsat Mak3e Fo5r Thfe
Somestimes It'sz Ourt Misatakes Thast Make3 For5 Thef Grefa Som3times It'w Ou5 Misttakes Thwt Makf Fof Thr Grra
Som3etimes It'ws Ou5r Misakes Thwat Makfe Fofr Thre Some3times It'sw Our5 Misatkes Thawt Makef Forf Ther Grera

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