Nick Gill
How It Feels (to Lose A Friend)

I fall without moving, try to find another way
To tell myself they're lying, it's all only a play
Now all I need, all I need in my life, is to know why
Know why

I know now why we need love and empathy,
You never showed the pain, and all the shame,
I know how it feels, I know how it feels,
I know how it feels,
To lose a friend

I know that it hurts, definitely a tradegy, but remembering your life
Brings be back to the comedy,
do you remember that night on Halloween when we
Drove through the town with all the beauty queens?


and I don't know, I don't know ,
I don't know why, and I don't know, I don't know why,
Well I don't know, well I don't know, I don't know why



Mirror lyrics:



Well I don't know, well I don't know, I don't know why
I don't know why, and I don't know, I don't know why,
and I don't know, I don't know ,


Drove through the town with all the beauty queens?
do you remember that night on Halloween when we
Brings be back to the comedy,
I know that it hurts, definitely a tradegy, but remembering your life

To lose a friend
I know how it feels,
I know how it feels, I know how it feels,
You never showed the pain, and all the shame,
I know now why we need love and empathy,

Know why
Now all I need, all I need in my life, is to know why
To tell myself they're lying, it's all only a play
I fall without moving, try to find another way

Relevant Tags:
HHow IIt FFeels ((to LLose AA FFriend) ow t eels to ose riend) oHw tI eFels t(o oLse A rFiend) jow jt ceels (tto kose z criend) jHow jIt cFeels (o kLose zA cFriend)
Hjow Ijt Fceels (ot Lkose Az Fcriend) uow 9t reels (fo oose q rriend) uHow 9It rFeels (fto oLose qA rFriend) Huow I9t Freels (tfo Loose Aq Frriend) now lt geels (5o pose s griend)
nHow lIt gFeels (5to pLose sA gFriend) Hnow Ilt Fgeels (t5o Lpose As Fgriend) bow ot teels (ho w triend) bHow oIt tFeels (hto Lse wA tFriend) Hbow Iot Fteels (tho Lsoe Aw Ftriend)
gow kt veels (yo Lkse x vriend) gHow kIt vFeels (yto xA vFriend) Hgow Ikt Fveels (tyo Lokse Ax Fvriend) yow 8t deels (6o L9se driend) yHow 8It dFeels (6to L9ose dFriend)
Hyow I8t Fdeels (t6o Lo9se Fdriend) Hoow ut Feeels (go L0se Hw uIt Fels (gto L0ose Fiend) Hwo Iut Feels (tgo Lo0se Firend) Hkw Itt Fsels (ro Llse Fdiend)
Hkow I Fseels (rto Llose Hokw It Fesels (tro Lolse Frdiend) H9w If F3els (too Lise F4iend) H9ow Ift F3eels (t Liose F4riend) Ho9w Itf Fe3els (to Loise Fr4iend)
H0w I5 Ffels (tk Losse Fgiend) H0ow I5t Ffeels (tko Loe Ho0w It5 Fefels (tok Loes Frgiend) Hlw Ih Frels (t9 Loze Ftiend) Hlow Iht (t9o Lozse
Holw Ith Ferels (to9 Losze Frtiend) Hiw Iy F4els (t0 Lowe F5iend) Hiow Iyt F4eels (t0o Lowse F5riend) Hoiw Ity Fe4els (to0 Loswe Fr5iend) Howw I6 Fdels (tl Lode Ffiend)
Ho I6t (tlo Lodse Ffriend) How It6 Fedels (tol Losde Frfiend) Hoa Ig Fwels (ti Loee Feiend) Hoaw Igt Fweels (tio Loese Feriend) Howa Itg Fewels (toi Losee Freiend)
Ho3 Ir Loxe Friiend) Ho3w Irt Loxse Frend) How3 Itr Feles Losxe Freind) Hod Fesls Loae Frjend) Hodw Loase Frjiend)
Howd Feesls Losae Frijend) Hoe Fe3ls Fr9end) Hoew Los Fr9iend) Howe Fee3ls Lose Fri9end) Hos Fefls Loss Frlend)
Hosw Frliend) Hows Feefls Loses Frilend) Ho2 Ferls Los3 Froend) Ho2w Los3e Froiend) How2 Feerls Lose3 Frioend)
Hoq Fe4ls Losf Frkend) Hoqw Losfe Frkiend) Howq Fee4ls Losef Frikend) Fedls Losr Fr8end)

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