Nickel Creek
I Should've Known Better

It's been a long time comin' and the card were stacked.
It's been a long hard road to hell and back.
Your love meant trouble from the day we met.
You won every hand, I lost every bet.

Now you'd think that I should've known better.
Now I think that I should've seen it come.
My heart sank when I read that letter.
It sank like a stone, it sank like a stone.

A cup of cold coffee, yesterday's mail.
A bad love like this is always bound to fail.
Your love meant trouble from the day we met.
If you want your things, they're on the front step.

Now you'd think that I should've known better.
Now I think that I should've seen it come.
My heart sank when I read that letter.
It sank like a stone, it sank like a stone.

All alone in my kitchen.
All alone in my head.
Somethings you can't take back, once they've been said.
I don't know what this love is for.
All I know is I don't want it anymore.

Now you'd think that I should've known better.
Now I think that I should've seen it come.
My heart sank when I read that letter.
It sank like a stone, it sank like a stone.

Mirror lyrics:

It sank like a stone, it sank like a stone.
My heart sank when I read that letter.
Now I think that I should've seen it come.
Now you'd think that I should've known better.

All I know is I don't want it anymore.
I don't know what this love is for.
Somethings you can't take back, once they've been said.
All alone in my head.
All alone in my kitchen.

It sank like a stone, it sank like a stone.
My heart sank when I read that letter.
Now I think that I should've seen it come.
Now you'd think that I should've known better.

If you want your things, they're on the front step.
Your love meant trouble from the day we met.
A bad love like this is always bound to fail.
A cup of cold coffee, yesterday's mail.

It sank like a stone, it sank like a stone.
My heart sank when I read that letter.
Now I think that I should've seen it come.
Now you'd think that I should've known better.

You won every hand, I lost every bet.
Your love meant trouble from the day we met.
It's been a long hard road to hell and back.
It's been a long time comin' and the card were stacked.

Relevant Tags:
II SShould've KKnown BBetter hould've nown etter I hSould've nKown eBtter j zhould've lnown vetter jI zShould've lKnown vBetter Ij Szhould've Klnown Bvetter
9 whould've onown getter 9I wShould've oKnown gBetter I9 Swhould've Konown Bgetter l dhould've mnown netter lI dShould've mKnown nBetter Il Sdhould've Kmnown Bnetter
o ehould've jnown hetter oI eShould've jKnown hBetter Io Sehould've Kjnown Bhetter k xhould've inown Beetter kI xShould've iKnown Btter Ik Sxhould've Kinown Bteter
8 ahould've Knnown Bstter 8I aShould've Kown Bsetter I8 Sahould've Konwn Bestter u Shhould've Kmown B3tter uI Sould've B3etter Iu Sohuld've Knmown Be3tter
Sjould've Khown Bftter Sjhould've Khnown Bfetter Shjould've Knhown Beftter Suould've Kjown Brtter Suhould've Bretter Shuould've Knjown Bertter
Snould've Kbown B4tter Snhould've Kbnown B4etter Shnould've Knbown Be4tter Sbould've Knoown Bdtter Sbhould've Knwn Bdetter Shbould've Knwon Bedtter
Sgould've Knkwn Bwtter Sghould've Knkown Bwetter Shgould've Knokwn Bewtter Syould've Kn9wn Bettter Syhould've Kn9own Beter Shyould've Kno9wn Better
Shoould've Kn0wn Befter Shuld've Kn0own Shuold've Kno0wn Betfter Shkuld've Knlwn Be5ter Shkould've Knlown Be5tter Shokuld've Knolwn Bet5ter
Sh9uld've Kniwn Behter Sh9ould've Kniown Behtter Sho9uld've Knoiwn Bethter Sh0uld've Knowwn Beyter Sh0ould've Knon Beytter Sho0uld've Knonw Betyter
Shluld've Knoan Be6ter Shlould've Knoawn Be6tter Sholuld've Knowan Bet6ter Shiuld've Kno3n Begter Shiould've Kno3wn Begtter Shoiuld've Know3n Betgter
Shouuld've Knodn Berter Shold've Knodwn Sholud've Knowdn Betrter Shohld've Knoen Shohuld've Knoewn Shouhld've Knowen Betetr
Sho7ld've Knosn Betfer Sho7uld've Knoswn Shou7ld've Knowsn Bettfer Shokld've Kno2n Bet5er Kno2wn Shoukld've Know2n Bett5er
Shoild've Knoqn Bether Knoqwn Shouild've Knowqn Betther Sho8ld've Knownn Betyer Sho8uld've Know Shou8ld've Known Bettyer

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