Nickel Creek
I Want To Be A Cowboy's Sweetheart

I want to be a cowboy's sweetheart

I want to learn to rope and to ride

I want to ride o'er the plains and the deserts

Out west of that great divide

I want to hear the coyotes howlin'

While the sun sinks in the West

I want to be a cowboy's sweetheart

That's the life I love the best


I want to ride Old Paint goin' at a run

I want to feel the wind in my face

A thousand miles from all the city lights

Goin' a cowhand's pace

I want to pillow my head near the sleeping herd

While the moon shines down from above

I want to strum my guitar and yodelay-hee-hoo

Oh that's the life that I love


I want to be a cowboy's sweetheart

I want to learn to rope and to ride

I want to ride o'er the plains and the deserts

Out west of that great divide

I want to hear the coyotes howlin'

While the sun sinks in the West

I want to be a cowboy's sweetheart

That's the life I love the best


Mirror lyrics:


That's the life I love the best

I want to be a cowboy's sweetheart

While the sun sinks in the West

I want to hear the coyotes howlin'

Out west of that great divide

I want to ride o'er the plains and the deserts

I want to learn to rope and to ride

I want to be a cowboy's sweetheart


Oh that's the life that I love

I want to strum my guitar and yodelay-hee-hoo

While the moon shines down from above

I want to pillow my head near the sleeping herd

Goin' a cowhand's pace

A thousand miles from all the city lights

I want to feel the wind in my face

I want to ride Old Paint goin' at a run


That's the life I love the best

I want to be a cowboy's sweetheart

While the sun sinks in the West

I want to hear the coyotes howlin'

Out west of that great divide

I want to ride o'er the plains and the deserts

I want to learn to rope and to ride

I want to be a cowboy's sweetheart

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Ij Waant Tfo Bve Az Cfowboy's Szweetheart 9 3ant 5o ge q xowboy's wweetheart 9I 3Want 5To gBe qA xCowboy's wSweetheart I9 W3ant T5o Bge Aq Cxowboy's Swweetheart l dant ho ne s vowboy's dweetheart
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Wamt Coeboy's Wamnt Coewboy's Swetheart Wanmt Coweboy's Sweetheart Waht Cosboy's Swsetheart Wahnt Coswboy's
Wanht Cowsboy's Swesetheart Wajt Co2boy's Sw3etheart Wajnt Co2wboy's Wanjt Cow2boy's Swe3etheart Wabt Coqboy's Swfetheart
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Wanf Cowvoy's Sw4etheart Wanft Cowvboy's Sw4eetheart Wantf Cowbvoy's Swe4etheart Wan5 Cowgoy's Swdetheart Wan5t Cowgboy's
Want5 Cowbgoy's Swedetheart Wanh Cownoy's Swwetheart Cownboy's Wanth Cowbnoy's Swewetheart Wany Cowhoy's
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Wang Cowbky's Swe3theart Wangt Cowbkoy's Wantg Cowboky's Swee3theart Wanr Cowb9y's Sweftheart Wanrt Cowb9oy's
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Cowboyg's Sweehteart Cowboh's Sweefheart Cowbohy's Cowboyh's Sweetfheart

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