Nick Drake
One Of These Things First

I could have been a sailor, could have been a cook
A real live lover, could have been a book.
I could have been a signpost, could have been a clock
As simple as a kettle, steady as a rock.
I could be
Here and now
I would be, I should be
But how?
I could have been
One of these things first
I could have been
One of these things first.

I could have been your pillar, could have been your door
I could have stayed beside you, could have stayed for more.
Could have been your statue, could have been your friend,
A whole long lifetime could have been the end.
I could be yours so true
I would be, I should be through and through
I could have been
One of these things first
I could have been
One of these things first.

I could have been a whistle, could have been a flute
A real live giver, could have been a boot.
I could have been a signpost, could have been a clock
As simple as a kettle, steady as a rock.
I could be even here
I would be, I should be so near
I could have been
One of these things first
I could have been
One of these things first.

Mirror lyrics:

One of these things first.
I could have been
One of these things first
I could have been
I would be, I should be so near
I could be even here
As simple as a kettle, steady as a rock.
I could have been a signpost, could have been a clock
A real live giver, could have been a boot.
I could have been a whistle, could have been a flute

One of these things first.
I could have been
One of these things first
I could have been
I would be, I should be through and through
I could be yours so true
A whole long lifetime could have been the end.
Could have been your statue, could have been your friend,
I could have stayed beside you, could have stayed for more.
I could have been your pillar, could have been your door

One of these things first.
I could have been
One of these things first
I could have been
But how?
I would be, I should be
Here and now
I could be
As simple as a kettle, steady as a rock.
I could have been a signpost, could have been a clock
A real live lover, could have been a book.
I could have been a sailor, could have been a cook

Relevant Tags:
OOne OOf TThese TThings FFirst ne f hese hings irst nOe fO hTese hTings iFrst kne kf fhese fhings cirst kOne kOf fThese fThings cFirst
Okne Okf Tfhese Tfhings Fcirst 9ne 9f 5hese 5hings rirst 9One 9Of 5These 5Things rFirst O9ne O9f T5hese T5hings Frirst 0ne 0f hhese hhings girst
0One 0Of hThese hThings gFirst O0ne O0f Thhese Thhings Fgirst lne lf yhese yhings tirst lOne lOf yThese yThings tFirst Olne Olf Tyhese Tyhings Ftirst
ine if 6hese 6hings virst iOne iOf 6These 6Things vFirst Oine Oif T6hese T6hings Fvirst Onne Off ghese ghings dirst Oe O gThese gThings dFirst
Oen Of Tghese Tghings Fdirst Ome Oc rhese rhings Fiirst Omne Ocf rThese rThings Frst Onme Ofc Trhese Trhings Frist Ohe Or Fjrst
Ohne Orf Tese Tings Fjirst Onhe Ofr Tehse Tihngs Fijrst Oje Og Tjese Tjings F9rst Ojne Ogf Tjhese Tjhings F9irst Onje Ofg Thjese Thjings Fi9rst
Obe Ot Tuese Tuings Flrst Obne Otf Tuhese Tuhings Flirst Onbe Oft Thuese Thuings Filrst Onee Ov Tnese Tnings Forst On Ovf Tnhese Tnhings Foirst
One Ofv Thnese Thnings Fiorst Ons Od Tbese Tbings Fkrst Onse Odf Tbhese Tbhings Fkirst Ones Ofd Thbese Thbings Fikrst On3 Tgese Tgings F8rst
On3e F8irst One3 Thgese Thgings Fi8rst Onf Tyese Tyings Furst Onfe Fuirst Onef Thyese Thyings Fiurst
Onr Theese Thiings Firrst Onre Thse Thngs Fist Oner Thsee Thnigs Fisrt On4 Thsse Thjngs Fidst On4e Thsese Fidrst
One4 Thesse Thijngs Firdst Ond Th3se Th9ngs Fi4st Onde Th3ese Th9ings Fi4rst Oned The3se Thi9ngs Fir4st Onw Thfse Thlngs Figst
Onwe Thfese Thlings Figrst Onew Thefse Thilngs Firgst Thrse Thongs Fitst Threse Thoings Fitrst

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