Nick Cave
To Be By Your Side

Across the oceans Across the seas, Over forests of blackened trees.
Through valleys so still we dare not breathe, To be by your side.

Over the shifting desert plains, Across mountains all in flames.
Through howling winds and driving rains, To be by your side.

Every mile and every year for every one a little tear.
I cannot explain this, Dear, I will not even try.

Into the night as the stars collide,
Across the borders that divide forests of stone standing petrified,
To be by your side.

Every mile and every year, For every one a single tear.
I cannot explain this, Dear, I will not even try.

For I know one thing, Love comes on a wing.
For tonight I will be by your side. But tomorrow I will fly.

From the deepest ocean To the highest peak,
Through the frontiers of your sleep.
Into the valley where we dare not speak, To be by your side.

Across the endless wilderness where all the beasts bow down their heads.
Darling I will never rest till I am by your side.

Every mile and every year, Time and Distance disappear I cannot explain this.
Dear No, I will not even try.

And I know just one thing, Love comes on a wing and tonight I will be by your side.
But tomorrow I will fly away, Love rises with the day and tonight I may be by your side.
But tomorrow I will fly, Tomorrow I will fly, Tomorrow I will fly.

Mirror lyrics:

But tomorrow I will fly, Tomorrow I will fly, Tomorrow I will fly.
But tomorrow I will fly away, Love rises with the day and tonight I may be by your side.
And I know just one thing, Love comes on a wing and tonight I will be by your side.

Dear No, I will not even try.
Every mile and every year, Time and Distance disappear I cannot explain this.

Darling I will never rest till I am by your side.
Across the endless wilderness where all the beasts bow down their heads.

Into the valley where we dare not speak, To be by your side.
Through the frontiers of your sleep.
From the deepest ocean To the highest peak,

For tonight I will be by your side. But tomorrow I will fly.
For I know one thing, Love comes on a wing.

I cannot explain this, Dear, I will not even try.
Every mile and every year, For every one a single tear.

To be by your side.
Across the borders that divide forests of stone standing petrified,
Into the night as the stars collide,

I cannot explain this, Dear, I will not even try.
Every mile and every year for every one a little tear.

Through howling winds and driving rains, To be by your side.
Over the shifting desert plains, Across mountains all in flames.

Through valleys so still we dare not breathe, To be by your side.
Across the oceans Across the seas, Over forests of blackened trees.

Relevant Tags:
TTo BBe BBy YYour SSide o e y our ide oT eB yB oYur iSde fo ve vy gour zide fTo vBe vBy gYour zSide Tfo Bve Bvy Ygour Szide
5o ge gy hour wide 5To gBe gBy hYour wSide T5o Bge Bgy Yhour Swide ho ne ny 6our dide hTo nBe nBy 6Your dSide Tho Bne Bny Y6our Sdide
yo he hy uour eide yTo hBe hBy uYour eSide Tyo Bhe Bhy Yuour Seide 6o Bee Byy 7our xide 6To B B 7Your xSide T6o Be By Y7our Sxide
go Bs Bg jour aide gTo Bse jYour aSide Tgo Bes Byg Yjour Saide ro B3 Bh tour Siide rTo B3e tYour Sde Tro Be3 Byh Ytour Sdie
Too Bf B6 Yoour Sjde T Bfe B6y Yur Sjide To Bef By6 Yuor Sijde Tk Br Bu Ykur S9de Tko Bre Buy Ykour S9ide Tok Ber Byu Yokur Si9de
T9 B4 B7 Y9ur Slde T9o B4e B7y Y9our Slide To9 Be4 By7 Yo9ur Silde T0 Bd Bj Y0ur Sode T0o Bde Bjy Y0our Soide To0 Bed Byj Yo0ur Siode
Tl Bw Bt Ylur Skde Tlo Bwe Bty Ylour Skide Tol Bew Byt Yolur Sikde Ti Yiur S8de Tio Yiour S8ide Toi Yoiur Si8de
Youur Sude Yor Suide

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