Nick Cave
What Can I Give You

All my life I've failed to see

One good thing standing in front of me

And the planets gravitate around you

And the stars, the stars surround you

And the angels in heaven adore you

And the saints, the saints all stand and applaud you

What can I give you?

What can I give you in return?

Galaxies collide, they shower down around you

And I searched, I stumbled and then I found you

In your robe, in your crown, reaching low, babe

Reaching low down to the ground

What can I give you?

What can I give you in return?

What can I give you?

What can I give you in return?

Mirror lyrics:

What can I give you in return?

What can I give you?

What can I give you in return?

What can I give you?

Reaching low down to the ground

In your robe, in your crown, reaching low, babe

And I searched, I stumbled and then I found you

Galaxies collide, they shower down around you

What can I give you in return?

What can I give you?

And the saints, the saints all stand and applaud you

And the angels in heaven adore you

And the stars, the stars surround you

And the planets gravitate around you

One good thing standing in front of me

All my life I've failed to see

Relevant Tags:
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2hat Czn 8 tive jou 2What Czan 8I tGive jYou W2hat Cazn I8 Gtive Yjou qhat Cqn u Giive tou qWhat Cqan uI Gve tYou Wqhat Caqn Iu Gvie Ytou
Whhat Csn Gjve Yoou Wat Csan Gjive Yu Waht Casn Gijve Yuo Wjat Cwn G9ve Yku Wjhat Cwan G9ive Ykou Whjat Cawn Gi9ve Yoku
Wuat Cxn Glve Y9u Wuhat Glive Y9ou Whuat Caxn Gilve Yo9u Wnat Cann Gove Y0u Wnhat Ca Goive Y0ou Whnat Can Giove Yo0u
Wbat Cam Gkve Ylu Wbhat Camn Gkive Ylou Whbat Canm Gikve Yolu Wgat Cah G8ve Yiu Wghat Cahn G8ive Yiou Whgat Canh Gi8ve Yoiu
Wyat Caj Guve Youu Wyhat Cajn Guive Yo

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