Nick Cave
The Ship Song

Come sail your ships around me
And burn your bridges down.
We make a little history baby
Every time you come around.
Come loose your dogs upon me
And let your hair hang down.
You are a little mystery to me
Every time you come around.

We talk about it all night long
We define our moral ground.
But when I crawl into your arms
Everything comes tumbling down.

Come sail your ships around me
And burn your bridges down.
We make a little history baby
Every time you come around.

Your face has fallen sad now
For you know the time is nigh
When I must remove your wings
And you, you must try to fly.

Come sail your ships around me
And burn your bridges down.
We make a little history baby
Every time you come around.
Come loose your dogs upon me
And let your hair hang down.
You are a little mystery to me
Every time you come around.

Mirror lyrics:

Every time you come around.
You are a little mystery to me
And let your hair hang down.
Come loose your dogs upon me
Every time you come around.
We make a little history baby
And burn your bridges down.
Come sail your ships around me

And you, you must try to fly.
When I must remove your wings
For you know the time is nigh
Your face has fallen sad now

Every time you come around.
We make a little history baby
And burn your bridges down.
Come sail your ships around me

Everything comes tumbling down.
But when I crawl into your arms
We define our moral ground.
We talk about it all night long

Every time you come around.
You are a little mystery to me
And let your hair hang down.
Come loose your dogs upon me
Every time you come around.
We make a little history baby
And burn your bridges down.
Come sail your ships around me

Relevant Tags:
TThe SShip SSong he hip ong hTe hSip oSng fhe zhip zong fThe zShip zSong Tfhe Szhip Szong 5he whip wong 5The wShip wSong T5he Swhip Swong
hhe dhip dong hThe dShip dSong Thhe Sdhip Sdong yhe ehip eong yThe eShip eSong Tyhe Sehip Seong 6he xhip xong 6The xShip xSong T6he Sxhip Sxong
ghe ahip aong gThe aShip aSong Tghe Sahip Saong rhe Shhip Soong rThe Sip Sng Trhe Sihp Snog Sjip Skng Te Sjhip Skong Teh Shjip Sokng
Tje Suip S9ng Tjhe Suhip S9ong Thje Shuip So9ng Tue Snip S0ng Tuhe Snhip S0ong Thue Shnip So0ng Tne Sbip Slng Tnhe Sbhip Slong Thne Shbip Solng
Tbe Sgip Sing

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