November Blessing
You Cry, I Die

God, give me, a sign because I am blind
And I need to get it through my head.
God, forgive me, because Lord, I have sinned
And I don't wanna be "Him" again.

When you are breaking the heart
Of the person who cares the most about you,
It's not a game anymore- that's a person's heart
You're throwing on the floor.

You see I, I've lived like this for too long;
I was weak and was never strong.
I know by, by now you can see right through me.
Well you were right and I was always wrong.

When you are breaking the heart
Of the person that cares the most about you,
It's not a game anymore- that's a person's heart
You're throwing on the floor.

You cry, I die just a little bit inside
And I want to show you that I can change.
I've lost all hope, there's nothing I can say
To make you trust in me.

You cry, I die just a little bit inside
And I want to show you that I can change.
I've lost all hope, there's nothing I can say
To make you trust in me.

Mirror lyrics:

To make you trust in me.
I've lost all hope, there's nothing I can say
And I want to show you that I can change.
You cry, I die just a little bit inside

To make you trust in me.
I've lost all hope, there's nothing I can say
And I want to show you that I can change.
You cry, I die just a little bit inside

You're throwing on the floor.
It's not a game anymore- that's a person's heart
Of the person that cares the most about you,
When you are breaking the heart

Well you were right and I was always wrong.
I know by, by now you can see right through me.
I was weak and was never strong.
You see I, I've lived like this for too long;

You're throwing on the floor.
It's not a game anymore- that's a person's heart
Of the person who cares the most about you,
When you are breaking the heart

And I don't wanna be "Him" again.
God, forgive me, because Lord, I have sinned
And I need to get it through my head.
God, give me, a sign because I am blind

Relevant Tags:
YYou CCry, II DDie ou ry, ie oYu rCy, I iDe gou fry, j xie gYou fCry, jI xDie Ygou Cfry, Ij Dxie hou xry, 9 eie hYou xCry, 9I eDie
Yhou Cxry, I9 Deie 6ou vry, l fie 6You vCry, lI fDie Y6ou Cvry, Il Dfie uou dry, o rie uYou dCry, oI rDie Yuou Cdry, Io Drie 7ou Crry, k cie
7You Cy, kI cDie Y7ou Cyr, Ik Dcie jou Cdy, 8 sie jYou 8I sDie Yjou Crdy, I8 Dsie tou C4y, u Diie tYou C4ry, uI De Ytou Cr4y, Iu Dei
Yoou Cgy, Dje Yu Cgry, Djie Yuo Crgy, Dije Yku Cty, D9e Ykou Ctry, D9ie Yoku Crty, Di9e Y9u C5y, Dle Y9ou C5ry, Dlie
Yo9u Cr5y, Dile Y0u Cfy, Doe Y0ou Doie

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