Time After Time

Lying in my bed
I hear the clock tick
I think of you
Caught up in circles
Confusion is nothing new
Flashbacks, warm nights
Almost left behind
Suitcase of memories
Time after...

Sometimes you picture me
I'm walking too far ahead
You're calling to me
I can't hear what you said
And you say, go slow
I fall behind
The second hand unwinds

If you're lost, you can look
And you will find me
Time after time
If you fall, I will catch you
I will be waiting
Time after time

If you're lost, you can look
And you will find me
Time after time
If you fall, I will catch you
I will be waiting
Time after time

Mirror lyrics:

Time after time
I will be waiting
If you fall, I will catch you
Time after time
And you will find me
If you're lost, you can look

Time after time
I will be waiting
If you fall, I will catch you
Time after time
And you will find me
If you're lost, you can look

The second hand unwinds
I fall behind
And you say, go slow
I can't hear what you said
You're calling to me
I'm walking too far ahead
Sometimes you picture me

Time after...
Suitcase of memories
Almost left behind
Flashbacks, warm nights
Confusion is nothing new
Caught up in circles
I think of you
I hear the clock tick
Lying in my bed

Relevant Tags:
TTime AAfter TTime ime fter ime iTme fAter iTme fime zfter fime fTime zAfter fTime Tfime Azfter Tfime 5ime qfter 5ime
5Time qAfter 5Time T5ime Aqfter T5ime hime sfter hime hTime sAfter hTime Thime Asfter Thime yime wfter yime yTime wAfter yTime
Tyime Awfter Tyime 6ime xfter 6ime 6Time xAfter 6Time T6ime Axfter T6ime gime Affter gime gTime Ater gTime Tgime Atfer Tgime
rime Acter rime rTime Acfter rTime Trime Afcter Trime Tiime Arter Tiime Tme Arfter Tme Tmie Afrter Tmie Tjme Agter Tjme
Tjime Agfter Tjime Tijme Afgter Tijme T9me Atter T9me T9ime Atfter T9ime Ti9me Aftter Ti9me Tlme Avter Tlme Tlime Avfter Tlime
Tilme Afvter Tilme Tome Adter Tome Toime Adfter Toime Tiome Afdter Tiome Tkme Tkme Tkime Afer Tkime Tikme Afetr Tikme
T8me Affer T8me T8ime T8ime Ti8me Aftfer Ti8me Tume Af5er Tume Tuime Af5ter Tuime Tiume Aft5er Tiume Timme Afher Timme
Tie Afhter Tie

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