Notwist, The

One piece is missing
makes you small
Could be a day or more -
Within a second you're alone.
You want things that tell you
Exactly what you really are
To make you fell complete.
All I have is yours - it's
standing here in front of me
One piece missing
makes you small
Could be a day or more -
Within a second you're alone.
I want things that tell me
Exactly what you really are
To make you fell complete.
All I have is yours

Mirror lyrics:

All I have is yours
To make you fell complete.
Exactly what you really are
I want things that tell me
Within a second you're alone.
Could be a day or more -
makes you small
One piece missing
standing here in front of me
All I have is yours - it's
To make you fell complete.
Exactly what you really are
You want things that tell you
Within a second you're alone.
Could be a day or more -
makes you small
One piece is missing

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