Circle Of The Tryants

After the battle is over
And the sands drunken the blood
All what there remains
Is the bitterness of delusion

The immortality of the gods
Sits at their side
As they leave the walls behind
To reach the jewels gleam

The days have come
When the steel will rule
And upon his head
A crown of gold

Your hand wields the might
The tyrant's the precursor
You carry the will
As the morning is near

I sing the ballads
Of victory and defeat
I hear the tales
Of frozen mystery

The new kingdoms rise
By the circle of the tyrants
In the land of darkness
The warrior, that was me
Grotesque glory
None will ever see them fall
And hunts and war
Are like everlasting shadows

Where the winds cannot reach
The tyrant's might was born
And often I look back
With tears in my eyes
Grotesque glory
None will ever see them fall
And hunts and wars
Are like everlasting shadows

Mirror lyrics:

Are like everlasting shadows
And hunts and wars
None will ever see them fall
Grotesque glory
With tears in my eyes
And often I look back
The tyrant's might was born
Where the winds cannot reach

Are like everlasting shadows
And hunts and war
None will ever see them fall
Grotesque glory
The warrior, that was me
In the land of darkness
By the circle of the tyrants
The new kingdoms rise

Of frozen mystery
I hear the tales
Of victory and defeat
I sing the ballads

As the morning is near
You carry the will
The tyrant's the precursor
Your hand wields the might

A crown of gold
And upon his head
When the steel will rule
The days have come

To reach the jewels gleam
As they leave the walls behind
Sits at their side
The immortality of the gods

Is the bitterness of delusion
All what there remains
And the sands drunken the blood
After the battle is over

Relevant Tags:
CCircle OOf TThe TTryants ircle f he ryants iCrcle fO hTe rTyants fircle kf fhe fryants fCircle kOf fThe fTryants Cfircle Okf Tfhe Tfryants
xircle 9f 5he 5ryants xCircle 9Of 5The 5Tryants Cxircle O9f T5he T5ryants vircle 0f hhe hryants vCircle 0Of hThe hTryants Cvircle O0f Thhe Thryants
dircle lf yhe yryants dCircle lOf yThe yTryants Cdircle Olf Tyhe Tyryants Ciircle if 6he 6ryants Crcle iOf 6The 6Tryants Cricle Oif T6he T6ryants
Cjrcle Off ghe gryants Cjircle O gThe gTryants Cijrcle Of Tghe Tgryants C9rcle Oc rhe rryants C9ircle Ocf rThe rTryants Ci9rcle Ofc Trhe Trryants
Clrcle Or Clircle Orf Te Tyants Cilrcle Ofr Teh Tyrants Corcle Og Tje Tdyants Coircle Ogf Tjhe Tdryants Ciorcle Ofg Thje Trdyants
Ckrcle Ot Tue T4yants Ckircle Otf Tuhe T4ryants Cikrcle Oft Thue Tr4yants C8rcle Ov Tne Tgyants C8ircle Ovf Tnhe Ci8rcle Ofv Thne Trgyants
Curcle Od Tbe Ttyants Cuircle Odf Tbhe Ttryants Ciurcle Ofd Thbe Trtyants Cirrcle Tge T5yants Cicle Cicrle Thge Tr5yants
Cidcle Tye Tfyants Cidrcle Cirdcle Thye Trfyants Ci4cle Thee Teyants Ci4rcle Th Teryants Cir4cle The Treyants
Cigcle Ths Tryyants Cigrcle Thse Trants Cirgcle Thes Traynts Citcle Th3 Trgants Citrcle Th3e Cirtcle The3 Trygants
Ci5cle Thf Trhants Ci5rcle Thfe Trhyants Cir5cle Thef Tryhants Cifcle Thr Tr6ants Cifrcle Thre Tr6yants Cirfcle Ther Try6ants
Ciecle Th4 Truants Ciercle Th4e Truyants Cirecle The4 Tryuants Circcle Thd Tr7ants Cirle Thde Tr7yants Cirlce Thed Try7ants
Cirfle Thw Trjants Thwe Trjyants Circfle Thew Tryjants Cirxle Trtants Cirxcle Circxle Trytants

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