Some Might Say

Some might say that sunshine follows thunder
Go and tell it to the man who cannot shine
Some might say that we should never ponder
On our thoughts today cos they hold sway over time

Some might say we will find a brighter day
Some might say we will find a brighter day

Cos I've been standing at the station
In need of education in the rain
You made no preparation for my reputation once again
The sink is full of fishes
She's got dirty dishes on the brain
It was overflowing gently but it's all elementary my friend

Some might say they don't believe in heaven
Go and tell it to the man who lives in hell
Some might say you get what you've been given
If you don't get yours I won't get mine as well

Some might say we will find a brighter day
Some might say we will find a brighter day

Cos I've been standing at the station
In need of education in the rain
You made no preparation for my reputation once again
The sink is full of fishes
Cos she's got dirty dishes on the brain
And my dog's been itchin'
Itchin' in the kitchen once again

Some might say
Some might say
Some might say
Some might say

Mirror lyrics:

Some might say
Some might say
Some might say
Some might say

Itchin' in the kitchen once again
And my dog's been itchin'
Cos she's got dirty dishes on the brain
The sink is full of fishes
You made no preparation for my reputation once again
In need of education in the rain
Cos I've been standing at the station

Some might say we will find a brighter day
Some might say we will find a brighter day

If you don't get yours I won't get mine as well
Some might say you get what you've been given
Go and tell it to the man who lives in hell
Some might say they don't believe in heaven

It was overflowing gently but it's all elementary my friend
She's got dirty dishes on the brain
The sink is full of fishes
You made no preparation for my reputation once again
In need of education in the rain
Cos I've been standing at the station

Some might say we will find a brighter day
Some might say we will find a brighter day

On our thoughts today cos they hold sway over time
Some might say that we should never ponder
Go and tell it to the man who cannot shine
Some might say that sunshine follows thunder

Relevant Tags:
SSome MMight SSay ome ight ay oSme iMght aSy zome jight zay zSome jMight zSay Szome Mjight Szay wome kight way wSome kMight wSay
Swome Mkight Sway dome night day dSome nMight dSay Sdome Mnight Sday eome Miight eay eSome Mght eSay Seome Mgiht Seay xome Mjght xay
xSome xSay Sxome Mijght Sxay aome M9ght aay aSome M9ight aSay Saome Mi9ght Saay Soome Mlght Sme Mlight Sy Smoe Milght Sya
Skme Moght Szy Skome Moight Sokme Mioght Sazy S9me Mkght Sqy S9ome Sqay So9me Mikght Saqy S0me M8ght Ssy S0ome M8ight Ssay
So0me Mi8ght Sasy Slme Mught Swy Slome Muight Solme Miught Sawy Sime Migght Sxy Siome Miht Soime Mihgt Saxy Somme Mihht Sayy
Soe Mihght Sa Soem Mighht Say Soje Miyht Sag Sojme Miyght Sagy Somje Migyht Sayg Soke Mibht Sah Mibght Sahy

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