Sister (acoustic)

Here I am again,
Overwhelming feelings
A thousand miles away
From your ocean home
Part of me is near

Thoughts of what we were invade
The miles that stand between
We can't separate
Your all I hoped you'd become

Sister I see you
Dancing on the stage
Of memory
Sister I miss you

Fleeting visits pass
Still they satisfy
Reminders of the next
Overshadow goodbye
Our flames burn as one

Sister I see you
Dancing on the stage
Of memory
Sister I miss you

All I am begins with you
Thoughts of hope understood
Half of me breathes in you
Thoughts of love remain true

Here we are again saying goodbye
Still we fall asleep underneath the same sky
You're all I knew you'd become

Sister I see you
Dancing on the stage
Of memory
Sister I miss you

Entwined, you and I
Our souls speak from across the miles
Intertwined, you and I
Our blood flows from the same inside
Half of me, breathes in you
Thoughts of love remain true

I see you, I feel you
When I close my eyes
I see walking there...
I see you dancing in my mind

Mirror lyrics:

I see you dancing in my mind
I see walking there...
When I close my eyes
I see you, I feel you

Thoughts of love remain true
Half of me, breathes in you
Our blood flows from the same inside
Intertwined, you and I
Our souls speak from across the miles
Entwined, you and I

Sister I miss you
Of memory
Dancing on the stage
Sister I see you

You're all I knew you'd become
Still we fall asleep underneath the same sky
Here we are again saying goodbye

Thoughts of love remain true
Half of me breathes in you
Thoughts of hope understood
All I am begins with you

Sister I miss you
Of memory
Dancing on the stage
Sister I see you

Our flames burn as one
Overshadow goodbye
Reminders of the next
Still they satisfy
Fleeting visits pass

Sister I miss you
Of memory
Dancing on the stage
Sister I see you

Your all I hoped you'd become
We can't separate
The miles that stand between
Thoughts of what we were invade

Part of me is near
From your ocean home
A thousand miles away
Overwhelming feelings
Here I am again,

Relevant Tags:
SSister ((acoustic) ister acoustic) iSster a(coustic) zister (aacoustic) zSister (coustic) Szister (caoustic)
wister (zcoustic) wSister (zacoustic) Swister (azcoustic) dister (qcoustic) dSister (qacoustic) Sdister (aqcoustic)
eister (scoustic) eSister (sacoustic) Seister (ascoustic) xister (wcoustic) xSister (wacoustic) Sxister (awcoustic)
aister (xcoustic) aSister (xacoustic) Saister (axcoustic) Siister (accoustic) Sster (aoustic) Ssiter (aocustic)
Sjster (afoustic) Sjister (afcoustic) Sijster (acfoustic) S9ster (axoustic) S9ister Si9ster (acxoustic)
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