Rose And The Dandelion

And the King and the war rage down like a tiger hunting through the bloody hour
For the thirsty souls mother moon shine down her power
And the love stay strong and whole despite the whispers in the night
And the Kingdom come and the Kingdom changed
What was wrong is right
And the Prince and the dandelion ..?.. people always in his sight
And the rose and the dandelion walked hand in hand into velvet night
And the King and the love stay strong like a ? burning through the cloudy sky
The moon and the stars shine bright in the night time sky
There were some that would and some that should
Some that would never understand
How our love could stay and a war could rage
In search of blood stain
And the Prince and the dandelion ? people always in his sight
And the rose and the dandelion walked hand in hand into velvet night
Into the velvet night
And the King and the love rage down like a tiger hunting through the bloody hour
For the thirsty souls mother moon sent here everlasting power
And some that could and some that would... understand her
And the Kingdom come and the Kingdom changed
What's good now is bad
And the Prince and the dandelion ..?.. people always in his sight
And the rose and the dandelion walked hand in hand into velvet night
The rose and the dandelion into the night
The rose and the dandelion walked hand in hand into velvet night
Into the velvet night, night, night, night
Into the velvet night

Mirror lyrics:

Into the velvet night
Into the velvet night, night, night, night
The rose and the dandelion walked hand in hand into velvet night
The rose and the dandelion into the night
And the rose and the dandelion walked hand in hand into velvet night
And the Prince and the dandelion ..?.. people always in his sight
What's good now is bad
And the Kingdom come and the Kingdom changed
And some that could and some that would... understand her
For the thirsty souls mother moon sent here everlasting power
And the King and the love rage down like a tiger hunting through the bloody hour
Into the velvet night
And the rose and the dandelion walked hand in hand into velvet night
And the Prince and the dandelion ? people always in his sight
In search of blood stain
How our love could stay and a war could rage
Some that would never understand
There were some that would and some that should
The moon and the stars shine bright in the night time sky
And the King and the love stay strong like a ? burning through the cloudy sky
And the rose and the dandelion walked hand in hand into velvet night
And the Prince and the dandelion ..?.. people always in his sight
What was wrong is right
And the Kingdom come and the Kingdom changed
And the love stay strong and whole despite the whispers in the night
For the thirsty souls mother moon shine down her power
And the King and the war rage down like a tiger hunting through the bloody hour

Relevant Tags:
RRose AAnd TThe DDandelion ose nd he andelion oRse nAd hTe aDndelion dose znd fhe xandelion dRose zAnd fThe xDandelion Rdose Aznd Tfhe Dxandelion
4ose qnd 5he eandelion 4Rose qAnd 5The eDandelion R4ose Aqnd T5he Deandelion gose snd hhe fandelion gRose sAnd hThe fDandelion Rgose Asnd Thhe Dfandelion
tose wnd yhe randelion tRose wAnd yThe rDandelion Rtose Awnd Tyhe Drandelion 5ose xnd 6he candelion 5Rose xAnd 6The cDandelion R5ose Axnd T6he Dcandelion
fose Annd ghe sandelion fRose Ad gThe sDandelion Rfose Adn Tghe Dsandelion eose Amd rhe Daandelion eRose Amnd rThe Dndelion Reose Anmd Trhe Dnadelion
Roose Ahd Dzndelion Rse Ahnd Te Dzandelion Rsoe Anhd Teh Dazndelion Rkse Ajd Tje Dqndelion Rkose Ajnd Tjhe Dqandelion Rokse Anjd Thje Daqndelion
R9se Abd Tue Dsndelion R9ose Abnd Tuhe Ro9se Anbd Thue Dasndelion R0se Andd Tne Dwndelion R0ose An Tnhe Dwandelion Ro0se And Thne Dawndelion
Rlse Anx Tbe Dxndelion Rlose Anxd Tbhe Rolse Andx Thbe Daxndelion Rise Ane Tge Danndelion Riose Aned Dadelion Roise Ande Thge Dadnelion
Rosse Anf Tye Damdelion Roe Anfd Damndelion Roes Andf Thye Danmdelion Roze Anr Thee Dahdelion Rozse Anrd Th Dahndelion Rosze Andr The Danhdelion
Rowe Anc Ths Dajdelion Rowse Ancd Thse Dajndelion Roswe Andc Thes Danjdelion Rode Ans Th3 Dabdelion Rodse Ansd Th3e Dabndelion Rosde Ands The3 Danbdelion
Roee Thf Danddelion Roese Thfe Danelion Rosee Thef Danedlion Roxe Thr Danxelion Roxse Thre Danxdelion Rosxe Ther Dandxelion
Roae Th4 Daneelion Roase Th4e Danedelion Rosae The4 Dandeelion Thd Danfelion Ros Thde Danfdelion Rose Thed Dandfelion
Ross Thw Danrelion Thwe Danrdelion Roses Thew Dandrelion Ros3 Dancelion Ros3e Dancdelion Rose3 Dandcelion
Rosf Danselion Rosfe Dansdelion Rosef Dandselion Rosr Rosre Dandlion

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