Nitzer Ebb
Cherry Blossom

Cherry blossom is falling
Cherry blossom is on its way out
Hear a new word is calling
It hears me too and it wants me to shout it out
But nothing is changing

It goes around, I'm left with no doubt
It goes around, I'm left with no doubt
That nothing is changing
String you along until you are devout

Cherry blossom is falling
Cherry blossom is falling
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah falling
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah falling

Cherry blossom is falling
Cherry blossom is soon to be through
But say a new world is dawning
But winter comes soon as summer is through, it's true
Winter is upon you

No warmth is left for all but a few
No warmth is left for all but a few
Winter is upon you
It's left you cold, it's frozen all that I knew, I know

Cherry blossom is falling
Cherry blossom is falling
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah falling
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah falling

Hear this new world, it's calling
See this new world, it's dawning
Say this new world, it's shaking

Cherry blossom is falling
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah falling
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah falling

Cherry blossom is falling
Cherry blossom has already gone
See this new world is shaking
Same words, singing the same old song
I feel like I'm shaking

Round and round I know that it won't be long
Round and round I know that it won't be long
I feel like I'm shaking
Must be okay 'coz how can it all be wrong

Cherry blossom is falling
Cherry blossom is falling
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah falling
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah falling

Hear this new world, it's calling
Say this new world, it's dawning
See this new world, it's shaking

Cherry blossom is falling
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Cherry blossom is falling

See this new world, it's shaking
Say this new world, it's dawning
Hear this new world, it's calling

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah falling
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah falling
Cherry blossom is falling
Cherry blossom is falling

Must be okay 'coz how can it all be wrong
I feel like I'm shaking
Round and round I know that it won't be long
Round and round I know that it won't be long

I feel like I'm shaking
Same words, singing the same old song
See this new world is shaking
Cherry blossom has already gone
Cherry blossom is falling

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah falling
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah falling
Cherry blossom is falling

Say this new world, it's shaking
See this new world, it's dawning
Hear this new world, it's calling

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah falling
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah falling
Cherry blossom is falling
Cherry blossom is falling

It's left you cold, it's frozen all that I knew, I know
Winter is upon you
No warmth is left for all but a few
No warmth is left for all but a few

Winter is upon you
But winter comes soon as summer is through, it's true
But say a new world is dawning
Cherry blossom is soon to be through
Cherry blossom is falling

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah falling
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah falling
Cherry blossom is falling
Cherry blossom is falling

String you along until you are devout
That nothing is changing
It goes around, I'm left with no doubt
It goes around, I'm left with no doubt

But nothing is changing
It hears me too and it wants me to shout it out
Hear a new word is calling
Cherry blossom is on its way out
Cherry blossom is falling

Relevant Tags:
CCherry BBlossom herry lossom hCerry lBossom fherry vlossom fCherry vBlossom Cfherry Bvlossom xherry glossom xCherry gBlossom
Cxherry Bglossom vherry nlossom vCherry nBlossom Cvherry Bnlossom dherry hlossom dCherry hBlossom Cdherry Bhlossom Chherry Bllossom
Cerry Bossom Cehrry Bolssom Cjerry Bkossom Cjherry Bklossom Chjerry Blkossom Cuerry Boossom Cuherry Bolossom Chuerry Bloossom
Cnerry Bpossom Cnherry Bplossom Chnerry Blpossom Cberry Cbherry Blssom Chberry Blsosom Cgerry Blkssom Cgherry
Chgerry Blokssom Cyerry Bl9ssom Cyherry Bl9ossom Chyerry Blo9ssom Cheerry Bl0ssom Chrry Bl0ossom Chrery Blo0ssom Chsrry Bllssom
Chserry Chesrry Blolssom Ch3rry Blissom Ch3erry Bliossom Che3rry Bloissom Chfrry Blosssom Chferry Blosom Chefrry Blossom
Chrrry Blozsom Chrerry Blozssom Cherrry Bloszsom Ch4rry Blowsom Ch4erry Blowssom Che4rry Bloswsom Chdrry Blodsom Chderry Blodssom
Chedrry Blosdsom Chwrry Bloesom

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