No Doubt
Open The Gate

I see you from the distance
From beyond the fence you made
Hiding all your feelings
Behind your barricade
Oh have you been invaded
Is this the reason why you hide
I know just how you're feeling
I know - let me inside

Open the gate up
Open the gate up - hurry
Open the gate up - hurry

I want to get near you
But you just won't let me in
'Cause you're so scared of losing
Everything you've got within

Come on now you can trust me
Come on and open the door
'Cause I know just how you're feeling
I know - I've been there before

Open the gate up
Open the gate up - hurry
Open the gate up
Hurry hurry hurry hurry
And do it right now
Do it right now
Do it right now
Do it right now - hurry

Do it right now - do it right now
Do it right now - do it right now
And do it right now - do it right now
Do it right now - do it right now

Open the gate up
Open the gate up - hurry
Open the gate up
Hurry hurry hurry hurry
Open the gate up - open the gate up
Or I'm gonna knock the damn door down
Open the gate up - open the gate up
Or I'm gonna knock the damn door down
Open the gate up - open the gate up
Or I'm gonna knock the damn door down
Open the gate up - open the gate up
Or I'm gonna knock the damn door down

Mirror lyrics:

Or I'm gonna knock the damn door down
Open the gate up - open the gate up
Or I'm gonna knock the damn door down
Open the gate up - open the gate up
Or I'm gonna knock the damn door down
Open the gate up - open the gate up
Or I'm gonna knock the damn door down
Open the gate up - open the gate up
Hurry hurry hurry hurry
Open the gate up
Open the gate up - hurry
Open the gate up

Do it right now - do it right now
And do it right now - do it right now
Do it right now - do it right now
Do it right now - do it right now

Do it right now - hurry
Do it right now
Do it right now
And do it right now
Hurry hurry hurry hurry
Open the gate up
Open the gate up - hurry
Open the gate up

I know - I've been there before
'Cause I know just how you're feeling
Come on and open the door
Come on now you can trust me

Everything you've got within
'Cause you're so scared of losing
But you just won't let me in
I want to get near you

Open the gate up - hurry
Open the gate up - hurry
Open the gate up

I know - let me inside
I know just how you're feeling
Is this the reason why you hide
Oh have you been invaded
Behind your barricade
Hiding all your feelings
From beyond the fence you made
I see you from the distance

Relevant Tags:
OOpen TThe GGate pen he ate pOen hTe aGte kpen fhe hate kOpen fThe hGate Okpen Tfhe Ghate 9pen 5he yate 9Open 5The yGate O9pen T5he Gyate
0pen hhe bate 0Open hThe bGate O0pen Thhe Gbate lpen yhe vate lOpen yThe vGate Olpen Tyhe Gvate ipen 6he fate iOpen 6The fGate Oipen T6he Gfate
Oppen ghe tate Oen gThe tGate Oepn Tghe Gtate O0en rhe Gaate rThe Gte Op0en Trhe Gtae Olen Gzte Te Gzate Oplen Teh Gazte
Ooen Tje Gqte Oopen Tjhe Gqate Opoen Thje Gaqte Opeen Tue Gste Opn Tuhe Gsate Opne Thue Gaste Opsn Tne Gwte Opsen Tnhe Gwate Opesn Thne Gawte
Op3n Tbe Gxte Op3en Tbhe Gxate Ope3n Thbe Gaxte Opfn Tge Gatte Opfen Gae Opefn Thge Gaet Oprn Tye Gafe

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