No Question
To Be Without You

Did you ever love someone so much
That it was bad for you
You'd try to find ways to make 'em happy
And it took control of you
To imagine that someone out there
Don't seem real to you
I finally found someone to roll with
I'm so glad I found you

[1] - I don't wanna be without you
I don't wanna live without you
Baby, I can't breathe without you
I don't wanna go through life walking
Alone, without you

I don't wanna be without you
Baby, there's no me without you
Don't wanna go through life walking alone

You're the closest one to my heart
This don't seem real to me
When you speak I don't wanna miss one word
Therefore I just don't breathe
I can see you in my future
Being there for me
I pray we'll always be together
You're the strength I need

[Repeat 1]

See love is not an easy task
But we do work it out
You give all you can to your love
So you won't be without
You give all your love and still
It fades away
If at first in love you don't exceed
Just try until your heart believes

[Repeat 1 until fade]

Mirror lyrics:

[Repeat 1 until fade]

Just try until your heart believes
If at first in love you don't exceed
It fades away
You give all your love and still
So you won't be without
You give all you can to your love
But we do work it out
See love is not an easy task

[Repeat 1]

You're the strength I need
I pray we'll always be together
Being there for me
I can see you in my future
Therefore I just don't breathe
When you speak I don't wanna miss one word
This don't seem real to me
You're the closest one to my heart

Don't wanna go through life walking alone
Baby, there's no me without you
I don't wanna be without you

Alone, without you
I don't wanna go through life walking
Baby, I can't breathe without you
I don't wanna live without you
[1] - I don't wanna be without you

I'm so glad I found you
I finally found someone to roll with
Don't seem real to you
To imagine that someone out there
And it took control of you
You'd try to find ways to make 'em happy
That it was bad for you
Did you ever love someone so much

Relevant Tags:
TTo BBe WWithout YYou o e ithout ou oT eB iWthout oYu fo ve aithout gou fTo vBe aWithout gYou Tfo Bve Waithout Ygou
5o ge 3ithout hou 5To gBe 3Without hYou T5o Bge W3ithout Yhou ho ne dithout 6ou hTo nBe dWithout 6You Tho Bne Wdithout Y6ou
yo he eithout uou yTo hBe eWithout uYou Tyo Bhe Weithout Yuou 6o Bee sithout 7ou 6To B sWithout 7You T6o Be Wsithout Y7ou
go Bs 2ithout jou gTo Bse 2Without jYou Tgo Bes W2ithout Yjou ro B3 qithout tou rTo B3e qWithout tYou Tro Be3 Wqithout Ytou
Too Bf Wiithout Yoou T Bfe Wthout Yu To Bef Wtihout Yuo Tk Br Wjthout Yku Tko Bre Wjithout Ykou Tok Ber Wijthout Yoku
T9 B4 W9thout Y9u T9o B4e W9ithout Y9ou To9 Be4 Wi9thout Yo9u T0 Bd Wlthout Y0u T0o Bde Wlithout Y0ou To0 Bed Wilthout Yo0u
Tl Bw Wothout Ylu Tlo Bwe Woithout Ylou Tol Bew Wiothout Yolu Ti Wkthout Yiu Tio Wkithout Yiou Toi Wikthout Yoiu
W8thout Youu W8ithout Yo Wi8thout You Wuthout Yoh Wuithout Yohu Wiuthout Youh
Witthout Yo7 Wihout Yo7u Wihtout You7 Wifhout Yok Wifthout Witfhout Youk
Wi5hout Yoi Wi5thout Wit5hout Youi Wihhout Yo8 Wihthout Yo8u Withhout You8
Wiyhout Yoj Wiythout Yoju Wityhout Youj Wi6hout Yoy Wi6thout Yoyu Wit6hout Youy
Wighout Wigthout Witghout Wirhout Wirthout Witrhout
Witout Witohut Witjout

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