Olivia Ruiz
When The Night Comes

I am walking, I am walking
And there is no end in sight
Yes my shoes they keep on walkin'
As the moon shines brave and bright

Over the roofs of Barcelona
Through the market of Belleville
Hum me a lullaby doub doub di-doub dou
My wounded heart can't find no sleep

When the night comes, when the night comes, when the night comes

It ain't right, to leave me restless
Ba ba belo, where shall I go
I stroll around, can't find you baby
Seems like a long way back home

I am walking, I am walking
All the trouble comes from my shoes
They keep on walkin', keep on walkin'
Away, away from you

When the night comes, when the night comes, when the night comes
When the night comes, when the night comes, when the night comes.

Mirror lyrics:

When the night comes, when the night comes, when the night comes.
When the night comes, when the night comes, when the night comes

Away, away from you
They keep on walkin', keep on walkin'
All the trouble comes from my shoes
I am walking, I am walking

Seems like a long way back home
I stroll around, can't find you baby
Ba ba belo, where shall I go
It ain't right, to leave me restless

When the night comes, when the night comes, when the night comes

My wounded heart can't find no sleep
Hum me a lullaby doub doub di-doub dou
Through the market of Belleville
Over the roofs of Barcelona

As the moon shines brave and bright
Yes my shoes they keep on walkin'
And there is no end in sight
I am walking, I am walking

Relevant Tags:
WWhen TThe NNight CComes hen he ight omes hWen hTe iNght oCmes ahen fhe might fomes aWhen fThe mNight fComes Wahen Tfhe Nmight Cfomes
3hen 5he hight xomes 3When 5The hNight xComes W3hen T5he Nhight Cxomes dhen hhe jight vomes dWhen hThe jNight vComes Wdhen Thhe Njight Cvomes
ehen yhe bight domes eWhen yThe bNight dComes Wehen Tyhe Nbight Cdomes shen 6he Niight Coomes sWhen 6The Nght Cmes Wshen T6he Ngiht Cmoes
2hen ghe Njght Ckmes 2When gThe Ckomes W2hen Tghe Nijght Cokmes qhen rhe N9ght C9mes qWhen rThe N9ight C9omes Wqhen Trhe Ni9ght Co9mes
Whhen Nlght C0mes Wen Te Nlight C0omes Wehn Teh Nilght Co0mes Wjen Tje Noght Clmes Wjhen Tjhe Noight Clomes Whjen Thje Nioght Colmes
Wuen Tue Nkght Cimes Wuhen Tuhe Nkight Ciomes Whuen Thue Nikght Coimes Wnen Tne N8ght Commes Wnhen Tnhe N8ight Coes Whnen Thne Ni8ght Coems
Wben Tbe Nught Cojes Wbhen Tbhe Nuight Cojmes Whben Thbe Niught Comjes Wgen Tge Nigght Cokes Wghen Niht Whgen Thge Nihgt Comkes
Wyen Tye Nihht Cones Wyhen Nihght Conmes Whyen Thye Nighht Comnes Wheen Thee Niyht Comees Whn Th Niyght Coms Whne The Nigyht Comse
Whsn Ths Nibht Comss

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