One Man Army
Last Word Spoken

Tonight has finished me off again,
I can't keep up with them,
I never hear anything anyway,
but your last words spoken ringing in my head

say good-bye,
your touch bleeds no more,
these days are a far cry from where we've been,
so I'll be seeing you

Today is the first day it's looked good from up here
on my own island in the sun
until those gray lit skies and chorus of laughs
all come back all come down on me
nothing more familiar than tomorrow's disease
your last words spoken echoed in the wind

say good-bye
your touch bleeds no more
these days are a far cry from where we've been
I'll be seeing you...

say good-bye
your touch bleeds no more
these days are a far cry from where we've been
I'll be seeing you...
it all comes back
all comes down on me
nothing more familiar than tomorrow
and the thought of you.

Mirror lyrics:

and the thought of you.
nothing more familiar than tomorrow
all comes down on me
it all comes back
I'll be seeing you...
these days are a far cry from where we've been
your touch bleeds no more
say good-bye

I'll be seeing you...
these days are a far cry from where we've been
your touch bleeds no more
say good-bye

your last words spoken echoed in the wind
nothing more familiar than tomorrow's disease
all come back all come down on me
until those gray lit skies and chorus of laughs
on my own island in the sun
Today is the first day it's looked good from up here

so I'll be seeing you
these days are a far cry from where we've been,
your touch bleeds no more,
say good-bye,

but your last words spoken ringing in my head
I never hear anything anyway,
I can't keep up with them,
Tonight has finished me off again,

Relevant Tags:
LLast WWord SSpoken ast ord poken aLst oWrd pSoken kast aord zpoken kLast aWord zSpoken Lkast Waord Szpoken oast 3ord wpoken
oLast 3Word wSpoken Loast W3ord Swpoken past dord dpoken pLast dWord dSpoken Lpast Wdord Sdpoken Laast eord epoken Lst eWord eSpoken
Lsat Weord Sepoken Lzst sord xpoken Lzast sWord xSpoken Lazst Wsord Sxpoken Lqst 2ord apoken Lqast 2Word aSpoken Laqst W2ord Sapoken
Lsst qord Sppoken Lsast qWord Soken Lasst Wqord Sopken Lwst Woord S0oken Lwast Wrd S0poken Lawst Wrod Sp0oken Lxst Wkrd Sloken
Lxast Wkord Slpoken Laxst Wokrd Sploken W9rd Sooken Lat W9ord Sopoken Lats Wo9rd Spooken Lazt W0rd W0ord Spken
Laszt Wo0rd Spkoen Lawt Wlrd Spkken Wlord Spkoken Laswt Wolrd Spokken Ladt Wird Sp9ken Ladst Wiord Sp9oken Lasdt Woird Spo9ken
Laet Worrd Sp0ken Laest Wod Laset Wodr Spo0ken Laxt Wodd Splken Wodrd Lasxt Wordd Spolken Laat Wo4d Spiken
Wo4rd Spioken Lasat Wor4d Spoiken

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