One Dollar Short
Another Day Away

I'm on my way to somewhere
I've never been somewhere these eyes
Have never seen another winding road
Destination unknown
No address
No post code
Another day
A little further away
These broken lines will lead me home
But not tonight
Another voice at the end of this long distance phone line
A day
A lifetime
However long it takes
For ever is not far enough away

Bright lights shine
In virgin eyes
Tail lights red
They fade away
This dashboard glow
We'll drive all night

Another day away
Eight days from home
There's so far
So far to go
Eight days from home

We'll drive all night
Until we can't drive any further
We'll drive all night
Until sleep is calling
We'll drive all night
Until the new day sunrise

I'm leaving home again
When I'll come back
I can't say for certain
I'll take my pen
I'll write when I can
Thats a promise
My bags are packed
My toothbrush
A photograph
An august notion
My favourite T-shirt
This distance travelled
I'm miles from home
Miles from what I know
Theres still so far to go

Bright lights shine
In virgin eyes
Tail lights red
They fade away
This dashboard glow
We'll drive all night

Another day away
Eight days from home
There's so far
So far to go
Eight days from home

Forever it seems
Won't be long enough

Another day away
Eight days from home

Mirror lyrics:

Eight days from home
Another day away

Won't be long enough
Forever it seems

Eight days from home
So far to go
There's so far
Eight days from home
Another day away

We'll drive all night
This dashboard glow
They fade away
Tail lights red
In virgin eyes
Bright lights shine

Theres still so far to go
Miles from what I know
I'm miles from home
This distance travelled
My favourite T-shirt
An august notion
A photograph
My toothbrush
My bags are packed
Thats a promise
I'll write when I can
I'll take my pen
I can't say for certain
When I'll come back
I'm leaving home again

Until the new day sunrise
We'll drive all night
Until sleep is calling
We'll drive all night
Until we can't drive any further
We'll drive all night

Eight days from home
So far to go
There's so far
Eight days from home
Another day away

We'll drive all night
This dashboard glow
They fade away
Tail lights red
In virgin eyes
Bright lights shine

For ever is not far enough away
However long it takes
A lifetime
A day
Another voice at the end of this long distance phone line
But not tonight
These broken lines will lead me home
A little further away
Another day
No post code
No address
Destination unknown
Have never seen another winding road
I've never been somewhere these eyes
I'm on my way to somewhere

Relevant Tags:
AAnother DDay AAway nother ay way nAother aDy wAay znother xay zway zAnother xDay zAway Aznother Dxay Azway qnother eay qway
qAnother eDay qAway Aqnother Deay Aqway snother fay sway sAnother fDay sAway Asnother Dfay Asway wnother ray wway wAnother rDay wAway
Awnother Dray Awway xnother cay xway xAnother cDay xAway Axnother Dcay Axway Annother say Aother sDay Aay Aonther Dsay Aawy
Amother Daay Aaay Amnother Dy Aaway Anmother Dya Awaay Ahother Dzy A3ay Ahnother Dzay A3way Anhother Dazy Aw3ay Ajother Dqy Aday
Ajnother Dqay Adway Anjother Daqy Awday Abother Dsy Aeay Abnother Aeway Anbother Dasy Aweay Anoother Dwy Asay Anther Dway
Antoher Dawy Awsay Ankther Dxy A2ay Ankother A2way Anokther Daxy Aw2ay An9ther Dayy Aqay An9other Da Ano9ther Day Awqay
An0ther Dag An0other Dagy Awy Ano0ther Dayg Awya Anlther Dah Awzy Anlother Dahy Awzay Anolther Dayh Awazy Anither Da6 Awqy
Aniother Da6y Anoither Day6 Awaqy Anotther Dau Awsy Anoher Dauy Anohter Dayu Awasy Anofher Da7 Awwy Anofther Da7y
Anotfher Day7 Awawy Ano5her Daj Awxy Ano5ther Dajy Awxay Anot5her Dayj Awaxy Anohher Dat Awayy Anohther Daty Awa Anothher Dayt Away
Anoyher Awag Anoyther Awagy Anotyher Awayg Ano6her Awah Ano6ther Awahy

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