If I Get To Feel You

Did I exchange a look with you?
Before we said hello
My mind is searching for a place
To rest my eyes on

Related circumstances
Trade a joke or two
And all I'm thinking is
I wanna know you

If I get to feel you
I won't let you go
If I get to feel you
I won't let you go

You're edging closer to my space
I'm feeling more unsure
But the fear I'm feeling
Is making me want more

I can't explain this paradox
Or why it feels so right
As you open
Your bedroom door

If I get to feel you
I won't let you go
If I get to feel you
I won't let you go

If I get to feel you
I won't let you go
If I get to feel you
I won't let you go

If I get to feel you
I won't let you go
If I get to feel you
I won't let you go


Mirror lyrics:


I won't let you go
If I get to feel you
I won't let you go
If I get to feel you

I won't let you go
If I get to feel you
I won't let you go
If I get to feel you

I won't let you go
If I get to feel you
I won't let you go
If I get to feel you

Your bedroom door
As you open
Or why it feels so right
I can't explain this paradox

Is making me want more
But the fear I'm feeling
I'm feeling more unsure
You're edging closer to my space

I won't let you go
If I get to feel you
I won't let you go
If I get to feel you

I wanna know you
And all I'm thinking is
Trade a joke or two
Related circumstances

To rest my eyes on
My mind is searching for a place
Before we said hello
Did I exchange a look with you?

Relevant Tags:
IIf II GGet TTo FFeel YYou f et o eel ou fI I eGt oT eFel oYu jf j het fo ceel gou jIf jI hGet fTo cFeel gYou Ijf Ij Ghet Tfo Fceel Ygou
9f 9 yet 5o reel hou 9If 9I yGet 5To rFeel hYou I9f I9 Gyet T5o Freel Yhou lf l bet ho geel 6ou lIf lI bGet hTo gFeel 6You Ilf Il Gbet Tho Fgeel Y6ou
of o vet yo teel uou oIf oI vGet yTo tFeel uYou Iof Io Gvet Tyo Fteel Yuou kf k fet 6o veel 7ou kIf kI fGet 6To vFeel 7You Ikf Ik Gfet T6o Fveel Y7ou
8f 8 tet go deel jou 8If 8I tGet gTo dFeel jYou I8f I8 Gtet Tgo Fdeel Yjou uf u Geet ro Feeel tou uIf uI Gt rTo Fel tYou Iuf Iu Gte Tro Feel Ytou
Iff Gst Too Fsel Yoou I Gset T Fseel Yu If Gest To Fesel Yuo Ic G3t Tk F3el Yku Icf G3et Tko F3eel Ykou Ifc Ge3t Tok Fe3el Yoku
Ir Gft T9 Ffel Y9u Irf T9o Ffeel Y9ou Ifr Geft To9 Fefel Yo9u Ig Grt T0 Frel Y0u Igf Gret T0o Y0ou

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