Nishino Kana
Epilogue (to Love)

Wishing on a star

What a nice surprise to see you
I am trapped in your eyes
What a nice surprise to see you
Wishing on a star

What a nice surprise to see
Take me away like this
What a nice surprise to see you
Wishing on a star

Wishing on a star

To love
To love

Mirror lyrics:

To love
To love

Wishing on a star

Wishing on a star
What a nice surprise to see you
Take me away like this
What a nice surprise to see

Wishing on a star
What a nice surprise to see you
I am trapped in your eyes
What a nice surprise to see you

Wishing on a star

Relevant Tags:
EEpilogue ((to LLove) pilogue to ove) pEilogue t(o oLve) spilogue (tto kove) sEpilogue (o kLove) Espilogue (ot Lkove)
3pilogue (fo oove) 3Epilogue (fto oLove) E3pilogue (tfo Loove) fpilogue (5o pove) fEpilogue (5to pLove) Efpilogue (t5o Lpove)
rpilogue (ho rEpilogue (hto Lve) Erpilogue (tho Lvoe) 4pilogue (yo Lkve) 4Epilogue (yto E4pilogue (tyo Lokve)
dpilogue (6o L9ve) dEpilogue (6to L9ove) Edpilogue (t6o Lo9ve) wpilogue (go L0ve) wEpilogue (gto L0ove) Ewpilogue (tgo Lo0ve)
Eppilogue (ro Llve) Eilogue (rto Llove) Eiplogue (tro Lolve) E0ilogue (too Live) E0pilogue (t Liove) Ep0ilogue (to Loive)
Elilogue (tk Lovve) Elpilogue (tko Loe) Eplilogue (tok Loev) Eoilogue (t9 Lobe) Eopilogue (t9o Lobve) Epoilogue (to9 Lovbe)
Epiilogue (t0 Loce) Eplogue (t0o Locve) Epliogue (to0 Lovce) Epjlogue (tl Loge) Epjilogue (tlo Logve) Epijlogue (tol Lovge)
Ep9logue (ti Lofe) Ep9ilogue (tio Lofve) Epi9logue (toi Lovfe) Epllogue Lovee) Lov) Epillogue Lov)e
Epologue Lovs) Lovse) Epiologue Loves) Epklogue Lov3) Epkilogue Lov3e) Epiklogue Love3)
Ep8logue Lovf) Ep8ilogue Epi8logue Lovef) Epulogue Lovr) Epuilogue Lovre) Epiulogue Lover)
Lov4) Epiogue Lov4e) Epiolgue Love4) Epikogue Lovd) Lovde) Epilkogue Loved)
Epioogue Lovw) Lovwe) Epiloogue Lovew) Epipogue Love)) Epiplogue Love Epilpogue Love)
Epilgue Epilgoue

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