Nine Inch Nails
The Fragile

She shines
In a world full of ugliness
She matters
When everything is meaningless

She doesn't see her beauty
She tries to get away
It's just that nothing seems worth saving
I can't watch her slip away

I won't let you fall apart (x4)

She reads the minds of all the people as they pass her by
Hoping someone can see
If I could fix myself i'd -
but it's too late for me

I won't let you fall apart (x4)

We'll find the perfect place to go where we can run and hide
I'll build a wall and we can keep them on the other side
...but they keep waiting
...and picking and picking and picking and picking...

It's something I have to do
I won't let you fall apart
I was there, too
I won't let you fall apart
Before everything else
I won't let you fall apart
I was like you
I won't let you fall apart

Mirror lyrics:

I won't let you fall apart
I was like you
I won't let you fall apart
Before everything else
I won't let you fall apart
I was there, too
I won't let you fall apart
It's something I have to do

...and picking and picking and picking and picking...
...but they keep waiting
I'll build a wall and we can keep them on the other side
We'll find the perfect place to go where we can run and hide

I won't let you fall apart (x4)

but it's too late for me
If I could fix myself i'd -
Hoping someone can see
She reads the minds of all the people as they pass her by

I won't let you fall apart (x4)

I can't watch her slip away
It's just that nothing seems worth saving
She tries to get away
She doesn't see her beauty

When everything is meaningless
She matters
In a world full of ugliness
She shines

Relevant Tags:
TThe FFragile he ragile hTe rFagile fhe cragile fThe cFragile Tfhe Fcragile 5he rragile 5The rFragile T5he Frragile hhe gragile
hThe gFragile Thhe Fgragile yhe tragile yThe tFragile Tyhe Ftragile 6he vragile 6The vFragile T6he Fvragile ghe dragile gThe dFragile
Tghe Fdragile rhe rThe Fagile Trhe Fargile Fdagile Te Teh Frdagile Tje F4agile Tjhe F4ragile Thje Fr4agile
Tue Fgagile Tuhe Thue Frgagile Tne Ftagile Tnhe Thne Frtagile Tbe F5agile Tbhe F5ragile Thbe Fr5agile Tge Ffagile
Ffragile Thge Frfagile Tye Feagile Feragile Thye Freagile Thee Fraagile Th Frgile The Frgaile Ths Frzgile Thse Frzagile
Thes Frazgile Th3 Frqgile Th3e Frqagile The3 Fraqgile Thf Frsgile Thfe Frsagile Thef Frasgile Thr Frwgile Thre Frwagile Ther Frawgile
Th4 Frxgile Th4e Frxagile The4 Fraxgile Thd Fraggile Thde Fraile Thed Fraigle Thw Frahile Thwe Frahgile Thew Fraghile

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