Nine Days
9 Days Of Rain

Does it rain like it rains here on Fifth street?
Nine days long the raindrops finding what's wrong
With this roof i've raised over my head
Does time fly like it does here on the second-floor?
Five ways to go but only one place to be
If only I could get there from here
Only I could get there today
If only I could get there today

Wish it was simple like a train
Ride behind windows invisible
While towns pass like sand through fingers

Wish it was simple like colour
The flashes in the soul
Like talk phones connected to imaginary friends
You might not know how it gets
You might not know how it gets
You might not know

And if it was simple like a smile on paper plate faces
Instead of pages of songs with no words

Does it rain like it rains here on Fifth street?
Nine days long the raindrops finding what's wrong
With this roof I've raised over my head
If only I could get out of here today
Wish I could get out of here today
If only I could get out of here today

Mirror lyrics:

If only I could get out of here today
Wish I could get out of here today
If only I could get out of here today
With this roof I've raised over my head
Nine days long the raindrops finding what's wrong
Does it rain like it rains here on Fifth street?

Instead of pages of songs with no words
And if it was simple like a smile on paper plate faces

You might not know
You might not know how it gets
You might not know how it gets
Like talk phones connected to imaginary friends
The flashes in the soul
Wish it was simple like colour

While towns pass like sand through fingers
Ride behind windows invisible
Wish it was simple like a train

If only I could get there today
Only I could get there today
If only I could get there from here
Five ways to go but only one place to be
Does time fly like it does here on the second-floor?
With this roof i've raised over my head
Nine days long the raindrops finding what's wrong
Does it rain like it rains here on Fifth street?

Relevant Tags:
99 DDays OOf RRain ays f ain 9 aDys fO aRin 0 xays kf dain 09 xDays kOf dRain 90 Dxays Okf Rdain i eays 9f 4ain i9 eDays 9Of 4Rain
9i Deays O9f R4ain o fays 0f gain o9 fDays 0Of gRain 9o Dfays O0f Rgain 8 rays lf tain 89 rDays lOf tRain 98 Drays Olf Rtain cays if 5ain
cDays iOf 5Rain Dcays Oif R5ain says Off fain sDays O fRain Dsays Of Rfain Daays Oc eain Dys Ocf eRain Dyas Ofc Reain
Dzys Or Raain Dzays Orf Rin Dazys Ofr Rian Dqys Og Rzin Dqays Ogf Rzain Daqys Ofg Razin Dsys Ot Rqin Otf Rqain
Dasys Oft Raqin Dwys Ov Rsin Dways Ovf Rsain Dawys Ofv Rasin Dxys Od Rwin Odf Rwain Daxys Ofd Rawin Dayys Rxin
Das Rxain

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