A Call From The Vatican

Guido, pronto

Signore Contini, telephone

Go ahead

Guido, I was lazing around my bedroom

When an idea occurred to me

I thought you might be

Wondering about Guido

Who's not wearing any clothes?

I'm not, my darling

Who's afraid to kiss your toes?

I'm not

Your mama, dear, is blowing into your ear

So you'll get her loud and clear

I need you to squeeze me here

And here and here

Is something wrong?

Um, I'm not sure, it's about my film

It's from the Vatican

Go head, mon Signore

Coochie, coochie, coochie coo

I've got a plan for what I'm gonna do to you

So hot, you're gonna steam and scream

And vibrate like a string I'm plucking

Kiss your fevered little brow,

Pinch your cheeks till you say, "Ow"

And I can hardly wait to show you how

Guido who won't care if you come to me tired and over-worked?

I won't, bambino

Who knows a therapy to beat what you can get from me?

I don't

But this will have to be enough for now

Guido, ciao

I love you, Guido

Mirror lyrics:

I love you, Guido

Guido, ciao

But this will have to be enough for now

I don't

Who knows a therapy to beat what you can get from me?

I won't, bambino

Guido who won't care if you come to me tired and over-worked?

And I can hardly wait to show you how

Pinch your cheeks till you say, "Ow"

Kiss your fevered little brow,

And vibrate like a string I'm plucking

So hot, you're gonna steam and scream

I've got a plan for what I'm gonna do to you

Coochie, coochie, coochie coo

Go head, mon Signore

It's from the Vatican

Um, I'm not sure, it's about my film

Is something wrong?

And here and here

I need you to squeeze me here

So you'll get her loud and clear

Your mama, dear, is blowing into your ear

I'm not

Who's afraid to kiss your toes?

I'm not, my darling

Who's not wearing any clothes?

Wondering about Guido

I thought you might be

When an idea occurred to me

Guido, I was lazing around my bedroom

Go ahead

Signore Contini, telephone

Guido, pronto

Relevant Tags:
AA CCall FFrom TThe VVatican all rom he atican A aCll rFom hTe aVtican z fall crom fhe batican zA fCall cFrom fThe bVatican Az Cfall Fcrom Tfhe Vbatican
q xall rrom 5he catican qA xCall rFrom 5The cVatican Aq Cxall Frrom T5he Vcatican s vall grom hhe gatican sA vCall gFrom hThe gVatican As Cvall Fgrom Thhe Vgatican
w dall trom yhe fatican wA dCall tFrom yThe fVatican Aw Cdall Ftrom Tyhe Vfatican x Caall vrom 6he Vaatican xA Cll vFrom 6The Vtican Ax Clal Fvrom T6he Vtaican
Czll drom ghe Vztican Czall dFrom gThe Vzatican Cazll Fdrom Tghe Vaztican Cqll rhe Vqtican Cqall Fom rThe Vqatican Caqll Form Trhe Vaqtican
Csll Fdom Vstican Csall Te Vsatican Casll Frdom Teh Vastican Cwll F4om Tje Vwtican Cwall F4rom Tjhe Vwatican Cawll Fr4om Thje Vawtican
Cxll Fgom Tue Vxtican Tuhe Vxatican Caxll Frgom Thue Vaxtican Calll Ftom Tne Vattican Cal Tnhe Vaican Call Frtom Thne Vaitcan
Cakl F5om Tbe Vafican Cakll F5rom Tbhe Vaftican Calkl Fr5om Thbe Vatfican Caol Ffom Tge Va5ican Caoll Ffrom Va5tican Calol Frfom Thge Vat5ican
Capl Feom Tye Vahican Capll Ferom Vahtican Calpl Freom Thye Vathican Froom Thee Vayican Frm Th Vaytican Frmo The Vatyican
Calk Frkm Ths Va6ican Frkom Thse Va6tican Callk Frokm Thes Vat6ican Calo Fr9m Th3 Vagican Fr9om Th3e Vagtican Callo Fro9m The3 Vatgican
Calp Fr0m Thf Varican Fr0om Thfe Vartican Callp Fro0m Thef Vatrican Frlm Thr Vatiican Frlom Thre Vatcan Frolm Ther Vatcian
Frim Th4 Vatjcan Friom Th4e Vatjican Froim The4 Vatijcan Fromm Thd Vat9can

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