Ninety Pound Wuss
Telephone Wire

i see his face, so full of hate.

i sense his smile, so fake and vile.

he longs for love, he wants peace.

i pray for understanding.

you cry inside, you lie outside.

you're full of hate, you can't escape.

walk around, face in the ground.

act so head strong, feels like you don't belong.

sinking down into the mire, you're full of hate, you can't escape.

i watched you with discust.

heartless, so cold, depraved, mind of lust.

using the one i love and trust.

i pray for your salvation.

what more to do?

forgive, forget.

you made a mistake.

God knows all mine.

listen to His love.

hear Him pound on your door.

let Him break your walls down.

stop this hate.

fear no more.

Mirror lyrics:

fear no more.

stop this hate.

let Him break your walls down.

hear Him pound on your door.

listen to His love.

God knows all mine.

you made a mistake.

forgive, forget.

what more to do?

i pray for your salvation.

using the one i love and trust.

heartless, so cold, depraved, mind of lust.

i watched you with discust.

sinking down into the mire, you're full of hate, you can't escape.

act so head strong, feels like you don't belong.

walk around, face in the ground.

you're full of hate, you can't escape.

you cry inside, you lie outside.

i pray for understanding.

he longs for love, he wants peace.

i sense his smile, so fake and vile.

i see his face, so full of hate.

Relevant Tags:
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T5elephone W3ire helephone dire hTelephone dWire Thelephone Wdire yelephone eire yTelephone eWire Tyelephone Weire 6elephone sire
6Telephone sWire T6elephone Wsire gelephone 2ire gTelephone 2Wire Tgelephone W2ire relephone qire rTelephone qWire Trelephone Wqire
Teelephone Wiire Tlephone Wre Tleephone Wrie Tslephone Wjre Tselephone Wjire Teslephone Wijre T3lephone W9re T3elephone W9ire
Te3lephone Wi9re Tflephone Wlre Wlire Teflephone Wilre Trlephone Wore Woire Terlephone Wiore T4lephone Wkre
T4elephone Wkire Te4lephone Wikre Tdlephone W8re Tdelephone W8ire Tedlephone Wi8re Twlephone Wure Twelephone Wuire Tewlephone Wiure
Tellephone Wirre Teephone Wie Teelphone Wier Tekephone Wide Teklephone Widre Telkephone Wirde Teoephone Wi4e Teolephone Wi4re
Teloephone Wir4e Tepephone Wige Teplephone Wigre Telpephone Wirge Teleephone Wite Telphone Witre Telpehone Wirte Telsphone Wi5e
Telsephone Wi5re Telesphone Wir5e Tel3phone Wife Tel3ephone Wifre Tele3phone Wirfe Telfphone Wiee Telfephone Wiere Telefphone Wiree
Telrphone Telrephone Wir Telerphone Wire Tel4phone Wirs Tel4ephone Wirse Tele4phone Wires Teldphone Wir3 Teldephone Wir3e
Teledphone Wire3 Telwphone Wirf Telwephone Telewphone Wiref Telepphone Wirr Telehone

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