Nina Simone
Nobody's Fault But Mine

Nobody's fault but mine

Nobody's fault but mine

If I die and my soul be lost

Nobody's fault but mine

I said, "I had mother who could pray

I had mother who could pray"

If I die and my soul be lost

Nobody's fault but mine, yeah

Oh mine, yeah now

I had mother who could sing

I had mother who could sing

If I die and my soul be lost

It's nobody's fault but mine

Nobody's fault but mine

Nobody's fault but mine

If I die and my soul be lost now

If I die and my soul be lost now

If I die and my soul be lost now

If I die and my soul be lost

Nobody's fault but mine

Mirror lyrics:

Nobody's fault but mine

If I die and my soul be lost

If I die and my soul be lost now

If I die and my soul be lost now

If I die and my soul be lost now

Nobody's fault but mine

Nobody's fault but mine

It's nobody's fault but mine

If I die and my soul be lost

I had mother who could sing

I had mother who could sing

Oh mine, yeah now

Nobody's fault but mine, yeah

If I die and my soul be lost

I had mother who could pray"

I said, "I had mother who could pray

Nobody's fault but mine

If I die and my soul be lost

Nobody's fault but mine

Nobody's fault but mine

Relevant Tags:
NNobody's FFault BBut MMine obody's ault ut ine oNbody's aFult uBt iMne mobody's cault vut jine mNobody's cFault vBut jMine Nmobody's Fcault Bvut Mjine
hobody's rault gut kine hNobody's rFault gBut kMine Nhobody's Frault Bgut Mkine jobody's gault nut nine jNobody's gFault nBut nMine Njobody's Fgault Bnut Mnine
bobody's tault hut Miine bNobody's tFault hBut Mne Nbobody's Ftault Bhut Mnie Noobody's vault Buut Mjne Nbody's vFault Bt Nboody's Fvault Btu Mijne
Nkbody's dault Bht M9ne Nkobody's dFault M9ine Nokbody's Fdault Buht Mi9ne N9body's Faault B7t Mlne N9obody's Fult B7ut Mline No9body's Fualt Bu7t Milne
N0body's Fzult Bkt Mone N0obody's Fzault Bkut Moine No0body's Fazult Bukt Mione Nlbody's Fqult Bit Mkne Nlobody's Fqault Biut Nolbody's Faqult Buit Mikne
Nibody's Fsult B8t M8ne Niobody's Fsault B8ut M8ine Noibody's Fasult Bu8t Mi8ne Nobbody's Fwult Bjt Mune Noody's Fwault Bjut Muine Noobdy's Fawult Bujt Miune
Novody's Fxult Byt Minne Novbody's Fxault Byut Mie Nobvody's Faxult Buyt Mien Nogody's Fauult Butt Mime Nogbody's Falt Bu Mimne Nobgody's Falut But Minme
Nonody's Fahlt Buf Mihe Nonbody's Fahult Buft Mihne Nobnody's Fauhlt Butf Minhe Nohody's Fa7lt Bu5 Mije Nohbody's Fa7ult Bu5t Nobhody's Fau7lt But5 Minje
Noboody's Faklt Buh Mibe Nobdy's Fakult Mibne Nobdoy's Fauklt Buth Minbe Nobkdy's Failt Buy Minee Nobkody's Faiult Min Nobokdy's Fauilt Buty Mine
Nob9dy's Fa8lt Bu6 Mins Nob9ody's Fa8ult Bu6t Minse Nobo9dy's Fau8lt But6 Mines Nob0dy's Fajlt Bug Min3 Nob0ody's Fajult Bugt Min3e Nobo0dy's Faujlt Butg Mine3
Nobldy's Faylt Bur Minf Noblody's Fayult Burt Minfe Noboldy's Fauylt Butr Minef Nobidy's Faullt Minr Nobiody's Faut Minre Noboidy's Fautl Miner
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