Nodes Of Ranvier
Second Hand Syndrome

A blank share says it all never mind my unsteady hand
Are we really nothing more than the walking decay?
Do we have to live this way?
Time's knife pressed against our veins
There's no turning away, the fragility of humanity
Never could quite understand
The importance of pretty things it's killing me
Unavoidable tragety finally it's here and now we remember only good times
Everything I am has come from sound
Please memory don't fail me
Last day of the rest of our lives
Last chance to make things right
And now I know
Our eyes aren't all that see
Each day that we wake up
We struggle to feel alive
Living under the knife
I hold close those dear to me

Mirror lyrics:

I hold close those dear to me
Living under the knife
We struggle to feel alive
Each day that we wake up
Our eyes aren't all that see
And now I know
Last chance to make things right
Last day of the rest of our lives
Please memory don't fail me
Everything I am has come from sound
Unavoidable tragety finally it's here and now we remember only good times
The importance of pretty things it's killing me
Never could quite understand
There's no turning away, the fragility of humanity
Time's knife pressed against our veins
Do we have to live this way?
Are we really nothing more than the walking decay?
A blank share says it all never mind my unsteady hand

Relevant Tags:
SSecond HHand SSyndrome econd and yndrome eScond aHnd ySndrome zecond jand zyndrome zSecond jHand zSyndrome Szecond Hjand Szyndrome
wecond uand wyndrome wSecond uHand wSyndrome Swecond Huand Swyndrome decond nand dyndrome dSecond nHand dSyndrome Sdecond Hnand Sdyndrome
eecond band eyndrome eSecond bHand eSyndrome Seecond Hband Seyndrome xecond gand xyndrome xSecond gHand xSyndrome Sxecond Hgand Sxyndrome
aecond yand ayndrome aSecond yHand aSyndrome Saecond Hyand Sayndrome Haand Syyndrome Scond Hnd Sndrome Sceond Hnad Snydrome
Sscond Hznd Sgndrome Ssecond Hzand Sgyndrome Sescond Haznd Sygndrome S3cond Hqnd Shndrome S3econd Hqand Shyndrome Se3cond Haqnd Syhndrome
Sfcond Hsnd S6ndrome Sfecond Hsand S6yndrome Sefcond Hasnd Sy6ndrome Srcond Hwnd Sundrome Srecond Hwand Suyndrome Sercond Hawnd Syundrome
S4cond Hxnd S7ndrome S4econd Hxand S7yndrome Se4cond Haxnd Sy7ndrome Sdcond Hannd Sjndrome Had Sjyndrome Sedcond Hadn Syjndrome
Swcond Hamd Stndrome Hamnd Styndrome Sewcond Hanmd Sytndrome Seccond Hahd Synndrome Seond Hahnd Sydrome Seocnd Hanhd Sydnrome
Sefond Hajd Symdrome Hajnd Symndrome Secfond Hanjd Synmdrome Sexond Habd Syhdrome Sexcond Habnd Secxond Hanbd Synhdrome
Sevond Handd Syjdrome Sevcond Han Secvond Hand Synjdrome Sedond Hanx Sybdrome Hanxd Sybndrome Secdond Handx Synbdrome
Secoond Hane Synddrome Secnd Haned Synrome Secnod Hande Synrdome Secknd Hanf Synxrome Seckond Hanfd Synxdrome Secoknd Handf Syndxrome
Sec9nd Hanr Synerome Sec9ond Hanrd Synedrome Seco9nd Handr Synderome Sec0nd Hanc Synfrome Sec0ond Hancd Synfdrome Seco0nd Handc Syndfrome
Seclnd Hans Synrrome Seclond Hansd Synrdrome Secolnd Hands Syndrrome Secind Syncrome

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