Noah & The Whale
Five Years Time

Oh, well, in five years time we could be walking round a zoo
With the sun shining down over me and you
And there'll be love in the body's of the elephants too
I'll put my hands over your eyes,
but you'll peek through

And there'll be sun, sun, sun
All over our faces.
And sun, sun, sun
All on our bodies.
There'll be sun, sun, sun
All down my neck.
And sun, sun, sun
So, what the heck.

‘cause i'll be laughing at all your silly little jokes
And we'll be laughing about how we used to smoke
All those stupid little cigarretes and drink stupid wine
‘cause it's what we needed to have a good time

But it was fun, fun, fun
When we were drinking.
It was fun, fun, fun
When we were drunk.
And it was fun, fun, fun
When we were laughing.
It was fun, fun, fun
Oh, it was fun.

Oh, well, i look at you and say: “it's the happiest that i've ever been”
And i'll say: “i no longer feel i have to be james dean”
And you say: “yeah, and i feel pretty happy too,
and i'm always pretty happy when i'm just kicking back with you”

And will be love, love, love
All through our body's.
Love, love, love
All through our minds.
And it'd be love, love, love
All over her face.
And love, love, love
All over mine.

And i'll remember all these moments suggesting my head
I'll be thinking about them when im lying in bed.
And i know that immediately they might not even come true,
But in my mind i'm having a pretty good time with you

Five years time
I might not know you
Five years time
We might not speak
And five years time
We might not get along
Five years time
You might just prove me wrong

Oh, there'll be love, love, love
Wherever you go
There'll be love, love, love

Mirror lyrics:

There'll be love, love, love
Wherever you go
Oh, there'll be love, love, love

You might just prove me wrong
Five years time
We might not get along
And five years time
We might not speak
Five years time
I might not know you
Five years time

But in my mind i'm having a pretty good time with you
And i know that immediately they might not even come true,
I'll be thinking about them when im lying in bed.
And i'll remember all these moments suggesting my head

All over mine.
And love, love, love
All over her face.
And it'd be love, love, love
All through our minds.
Love, love, love
All through our body's.
And will be love, love, love

and i'm always pretty happy when i'm just kicking back with you”
And you say: “yeah, and i feel pretty happy too,
And i'll say: “i no longer feel i have to be james dean”
Oh, well, i look at you and say: “it's the happiest that i've ever been”

Oh, it was fun.
It was fun, fun, fun
When we were laughing.
And it was fun, fun, fun
When we were drunk.
It was fun, fun, fun
When we were drinking.
But it was fun, fun, fun

‘cause it's what we needed to have a good time
All those stupid little cigarretes and drink stupid wine
And we'll be laughing about how we used to smoke
‘cause i'll be laughing at all your silly little jokes

So, what the heck.
And sun, sun, sun
All down my neck.
There'll be sun, sun, sun
All on our bodies.
And sun, sun, sun
All over our faces.
And there'll be sun, sun, sun

but you'll peek through
I'll put my hands over your eyes,
And there'll be love in the body's of the elephants too
With the sun shining down over me and you
Oh, well, in five years time we could be walking round a zoo

Relevant Tags:
FFive YYears TTime ive ears ime iFve eYars iTme cive gears fime cFive gYears fTime Fcive Ygears Tfime rive hears 5ime
rFive hYears 5Time Frive Yhears T5ime give 6ears hime gFive 6Years hTime Fgive Y6ears Thime tive uears yime tFive uYears yTime
Ftive Yuears Tyime vive 7ears 6ime vFive 7Years 6Time Fvive Y7ears T6ime dive jears gime dFive jYears gTime Fdive Yjears Tgime
Fiive tears rime Fve tYears rTime Fvie Ytears Trime Fjve Yeears Tiime Fjive Yars Tme Fijve Yaers Tmie F9ve Ysars Tjme
F9ive Ysears Tjime Fi9ve Yesars Tijme Flve Y3ars T9me Flive Y3ears T9ime Filve Ye3ars Ti9me Fove Yfars Tlme Foive Yfears Tlime
Fiove Yefars Tilme Fkve Yrars Tome Fkive Yrears Toime Fikve Yerars Tiome F8ve Y4ars Tkme F8ive Y4ears Tkime Fi8ve Ye4ars Tikme
Fuve Ydars T8me Fuive Ydears T8ime Fiuve Yedars Ti8me Fivve Ywars Tume Fie Ywears Tuime Fiev Yewars Tiume Fibe Yeaars Timme
Fibve Yers Tie Fivbe Yeras Tiem Fice Yezrs Tije Ficve Yezars Fivce Yeazrs Timje

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