No Use For A Name
The Dregs Of Sobriety

I hope someday that we can sit and talk above the surface
For now I'm drowning in a sea of you
The irony of alcohol and this conversation piece
Is exactly what we need to keep us from the truth

So let me sit here all alone and contemplate the meaning
Of a situation made up in your mind
You're so damn miserable and careless with your
Darkest thoughts
You act as if your clock is fooling time

Say hello to routine life and goodbye to the vacation
I haven't thought about you in two days
The more I see the in between the more I want to leave
But it keeps on closing in to the tune of selfish ways

In your ashtray is the answer to all the questions that
You had to prove
We are not going to keep moving forward in our sleep
Can you save us? Would you dare?
In a place where you refuse to care

Mirror lyrics:

In a place where you refuse to care
Can you save us? Would you dare?
We are not going to keep moving forward in our sleep
You had to prove
In your ashtray is the answer to all the questions that

But it keeps on closing in to the tune of selfish ways
The more I see the in between the more I want to leave
I haven't thought about you in two days
Say hello to routine life and goodbye to the vacation

You act as if your clock is fooling time
Darkest thoughts
You're so damn miserable and careless with your
Of a situation made up in your mind
So let me sit here all alone and contemplate the meaning

Is exactly what we need to keep us from the truth
The irony of alcohol and this conversation piece
For now I'm drowning in a sea of you
I hope someday that we can sit and talk above the surface

Relevant Tags:
TThe DDregs OOf SSobriety he regs f obriety hTe rDegs fO oSbriety fhe xregs kf zobriety fThe xDregs kOf zSobriety Tfhe Dxregs Okf Szobriety
5he eregs 9f wobriety 5The eDregs 9Of wSobriety T5he Deregs O9f Swobriety hhe fregs 0f dobriety hThe fDregs 0Of dSobriety Thhe Dfregs O0f Sdobriety
yhe rregs lf eobriety yThe rDregs lOf eSobriety Tyhe Drregs Olf Seobriety 6he cregs if xobriety 6The cDregs iOf xSobriety T6he Dcregs Oif Sxobriety
ghe sregs Off aobriety gThe sDregs O aSobriety Tghe Dsregs Of Saobriety rhe Oc Soobriety rThe Degs Ocf Sbriety Trhe Dergs Ofc Sboriety
Ddegs Or Skbriety Te Ddregs Orf Skobriety Teh Drdegs Ofr Sokbriety Tje D4egs Og S9briety Tjhe D4regs Ogf S9obriety Thje Dr4egs Ofg So9briety
Tue Dgegs Ot S0briety Tuhe Dgregs Otf S0obriety Thue Drgegs Oft So0briety Tne Dtegs Ov Slbriety Tnhe Dtregs Ovf Slobriety Thne Drtegs Ofv Solbriety
Tbe D5egs Od Sibriety Tbhe D5regs Odf Siobriety Thbe Dr5egs Ofd Soibriety Tge Dfegs Sobbriety Soriety Thge Drfegs Sorbiety
Tye Deegs Sovriety Sovbriety Thye Dreegs Sobvriety Thee Sogriety Th Drgs Sogbriety The Drges Sobgriety
Ths Drsgs Sonriety Thse Drsegs Sonbriety Thes Dresgs Sobnriety Th3 Dr3gs Sohriety Th3e Dr3egs Sohbriety The3 Dre3gs Sobhriety
Thf Drfgs Sobrriety Thfe Sobiety Thef Drefgs Sobirety Thr Drrgs Sobdiety Thre Sobdriety Ther Drergs Sobrdiety
Th4 Dr4gs Sob4iety Th4e Sob4riety The4 Dre4gs Sobr4iety Thd Drdgs Sobgiety Thde Thed Dredgs Sobrgiety
Thw Drwgs Sobtiety Thwe Drwegs Sobtriety Thew Drewgs Sobrtiety Dreggs Sob5iety Dres Sob5riety Dresg Sobr5iety
Drehs Sobfiety Drehgs Sobfriety Dreghs Sobrfiety Dreys Sobeiety Dreygs Soberiety Dregys Sobreiety
Drebs Sobriiety Drebgs Sobrety Dregbs Sobreity Drevs Sobrjety Drevgs Sobrjiety

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