Nik Kershaw
Somebody Loves You

Sea Of Faces
Rolling On The Big Wave
Wish That I Could Dive Right In
Shiny Faces,
Glowing In The Light Rays
Smiling At Me, Sink Or Swim
I Put My Words Upon Their Lips
I Put My Body At Their Finger Tips
It Feels Like Somebody Loves You,
Somebody Understands
It Gets Like You Gotta Be There
You Gotta See Those Hands

It's My Party
I Don't Have To Impress
I Don't Have To Try Too Hard
Yeah It's My Party
I Don't Have To Care Less
I Can Always Play My Part
They Know My Face And They Know My Name
They Know My Shamelessness
But Not My Shame
It Feels Like Somebody Loves You,
Somebody Understands
It Gets Like You Gotta Be There
You Gotta See Those Hands

Reaching Out, Reaching Up For Somebody
And I'm The Only One They See
Lucky Break Just As Well They Don't Realise
That I Need Them Much More
Than They Need Me

Hello Home Boy
Welcome To The Real World
Say What Planet Have I Been On
Time To Wake Up
Time To Smell The Roses
Who's Gonna Love Me When They've Gone
What Will I Do Without My Wishing Well
What Will I Say If I Can't Talk About Myself
I May Be Crazy, You Can Call Me Mad
I Call It Simple You Call It Sad
It Feels Like Somebody Loves You,
Somebody Understands
It Gets Like You Gotta Be There
You Gotta See Those Hands

Mirror lyrics:

You Gotta See Those Hands
It Gets Like You Gotta Be There
Somebody Understands
It Feels Like Somebody Loves You,
I Call It Simple You Call It Sad
I May Be Crazy, You Can Call Me Mad
What Will I Say If I Can't Talk About Myself
What Will I Do Without My Wishing Well
Who's Gonna Love Me When They've Gone
Time To Smell The Roses
Time To Wake Up
Say What Planet Have I Been On
Welcome To The Real World
Hello Home Boy

Than They Need Me
That I Need Them Much More
Lucky Break Just As Well They Don't Realise
And I'm The Only One They See
Reaching Out, Reaching Up For Somebody

You Gotta See Those Hands
It Gets Like You Gotta Be There
Somebody Understands
It Feels Like Somebody Loves You,
But Not My Shame
They Know My Shamelessness
They Know My Face And They Know My Name
I Can Always Play My Part
I Don't Have To Care Less
Yeah It's My Party
I Don't Have To Try Too Hard
I Don't Have To Impress
It's My Party

You Gotta See Those Hands
It Gets Like You Gotta Be There
Somebody Understands
It Feels Like Somebody Loves You,
I Put My Body At Their Finger Tips
I Put My Words Upon Their Lips
Smiling At Me, Sink Or Swim
Glowing In The Light Rays
Shiny Faces,
Wish That I Could Dive Right In
Rolling On The Big Wave
Sea Of Faces

Relevant Tags:
SSomebody LLoves YYou omebody oves ou oSmebody oLves oYu zomebody koves gou zSomebody kLoves gYou Szomebody Lkoves Ygou
womebody ooves hou wSomebody oLoves hYou Swomebody Looves Yhou domebody poves 6ou dSomebody pLoves 6You Sdomebody Lpoves Y6ou
eomebody uou eSomebody Lves uYou Seomebody Lvoes Yuou xomebody Lkves 7ou xSomebody 7You Sxomebody Lokves Y7ou
aomebody L9ves jou aSomebody L9oves jYou Saomebody Lo9ves Yjou Soomebody L0ves tou Smebody L0oves tYou Smoebody Lo0ves Ytou
Skmebody Llves Yoou Skomebody Lloves Yu Sokmebody Lolves Yuo S9mebody Lives Yku S9omebody Lioves Ykou So9mebody Loives Yoku
S0mebody Lovves Y9u S0omebody Loes Y9ou So0mebody Loevs Yo9u Slmebody Lobes Y0u Slomebody Lobves Y0ou Solmebody Lovbes Yo0u
Simebody Loces Ylu Siomebody Locves Ylou Soimebody Lovces Yolu Sommebody Loges Yiu Soebody Logves Yiou Soembody Lovges Yoiu
Sojebody Lofes Youu Sojmebody Lofves Yo Somjebody Lovfes You Sokebody Lovees Yoh Lovs Yohu Somkebody Lovse Youh
Sonebody Lovss Yo7 Sonmebody Lovses Yo7u Somnebody Lovess You7 Someebody Lov3s Yok Sombody Lov3es Sombeody Love3s Youk
Somsbody Lovfs Yoi Somsebody Somesbody Lovefs Youi Som3body Lovrs Yo8 Som3ebody Lovres Yo8u Some3body Lovers You8
Somfbody Lov4s Yoj Somfebody Lov4es Yoju Somefbody Love4s Youj Somrbody Lovds Yoy Somrebody Lovdes Yoyu Somerbody Loveds Youy
Som4body Lovws Som4ebody Lovwes Some4body Lovews Somdbody Somdebody Love Somedbody Loves
Somwbody Lovez Somwebody Lovezs Somewbody Lovesz Somebbody Lovew

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