Night In Gales
Nightfall Overture

[ Swano ]

Just another midnight hour
Enjoying the cold of a dark winter night
I see the darkness devour
Everything that once was light
And the stars in the sky
Are so lifeless and so grey

Walking in the light of the moon
When the night repairs the day
From the trees comes a mourful tune
I am not alone I can hear them say
The moon is your guide
There is no place you can hide

Oh, when the night comes down
And all the colours turns black and white
Oh, when the night comes down
And the dark is conducting the nightfall overture

Who am I in the eyes of the world
What have I done that will remain
Who am I? Will I ever know?
But right now I am the king of this winterlane

Is there anybody out there?
In the middle of the mist in the field
The air doesn't relieve me anymore
Something is here that I have never felt before
...And it's closing in on me...

I am lost in the maze of the night
Surrounded by lights so dark
I am losing all track of time
I'm trying to come out of this endless park

And the air is so dry
I can hear the daylight cry

...Is there anybody out there???...
( Swano )

I see the day is coming
The night is led astray
The dawn of new desires
The end of yesterday
I walk the road to nowhere
Ah, that's what I call home
If I only knew what I was heading for,
But I don't have a place to roam

And then I heard the voices calling
Across the sky in flames
I could hear them clearer now
Once again I could hear them say:

Dream, dream!
I hear the shadows say
Go to sleep my friend!
But I'll remain awake
Dream, dream!
I hear the shadows say
Go to sleep my friend!
Dream, dream!
I hear the shadows say
Go to sleep my friend!
Could be my last mistake
Dream, dream!
I hear the shadows say
Go to sleep my friend!

From a place of shelter
Where I could get some rest
I was so cold but I couldn't care
And soon the sun caressed

Dream, dream!
I hear the shadows say
Go to sleep my friend!
But I'll remain awake
Dream, dream!
I can hear them say
Close your eyes my friend!
Dream, dream!
I hear the voices say
Go to sleep my friend!
I'll make no more mistake
Dream, dream!
I could hear them say
Go to sleep my friend!

My frozen eyes refuse to see
Something tells me it's too dangerous to sleep
It's like I've been thru this before
Here I am! Frozen to the core
...Frozen to the core...

I know I must be dreaming
Or am I still awake
Hallucinations rule me
But right now, what difference does it make?
...I am falling again...

Dream, dream!
I hear the shadows say
Go to sleep my friend!
But I remain awake
Dream, dream!
I hear the shadows say
Go to sleep my friend!
Dream, dream!
I hear the darkness breathe
Go to sleep my friend!
And I fade away
Dream, dream!
I heard the voices say
Close your eyes my friend!
And now I fade away
Dream, dream!
And now I fade away...

Mirror lyrics:

And now I fade away...
Dream, dream!
And now I fade away
Close your eyes my friend!
I heard the voices say
Dream, dream!
And I fade away
Go to sleep my friend!
I hear the darkness breathe
Dream, dream!
Go to sleep my friend!
I hear the shadows say
Dream, dream!
But I remain awake
Go to sleep my friend!
I hear the shadows say
Dream, dream!

...I am falling again...
But right now, what difference does it make?
Hallucinations rule me
Or am I still awake
I know I must be dreaming

...Frozen to the core...
Here I am! Frozen to the core
It's like I've been thru this before
Something tells me it's too dangerous to sleep
My frozen eyes refuse to see

Go to sleep my friend!
I could hear them say
Dream, dream!
I'll make no more mistake
Go to sleep my friend!
I hear the voices say
Dream, dream!
Close your eyes my friend!
I can hear them say
Dream, dream!
But I'll remain awake
Go to sleep my friend!
I hear the shadows say
Dream, dream!

And soon the sun caressed
I was so cold but I couldn't care
Where I could get some rest
From a place of shelter

Go to sleep my friend!
I hear the shadows say
Dream, dream!
Could be my last mistake
Go to sleep my friend!
I hear the shadows say
Dream, dream!
Go to sleep my friend!
I hear the shadows say
Dream, dream!
But I'll remain awake
Go to sleep my friend!
I hear the shadows say
Dream, dream!

Once again I could hear them say:
I could hear them clearer now
Across the sky in flames
And then I heard the voices calling

But I don't have a place to roam
If I only knew what I was heading for,
Ah, that's what I call home
I walk the road to nowhere
The end of yesterday
The dawn of new desires
The night is led astray
I see the day is coming

( Swano )
...Is there anybody out there???...

I can hear the daylight cry
And the air is so dry

I'm trying to come out of this endless park
I am losing all track of time
Surrounded by lights so dark
I am lost in the maze of the night

...And it's closing in on me...
Something is here that I have never felt before
The air doesn't relieve me anymore
In the middle of the mist in the field
Is there anybody out there?

But right now I am the king of this winterlane
Who am I? Will I ever know?
What have I done that will remain
Who am I in the eyes of the world

And the dark is conducting the nightfall overture
Oh, when the night comes down
And all the colours turns black and white
Oh, when the night comes down

There is no place you can hide
The moon is your guide
I am not alone I can hear them say
From the trees comes a mourful tune
When the night repairs the day
Walking in the light of the moon

Are so lifeless and so grey
And the stars in the sky
Everything that once was light
I see the darkness devour
Enjoying the cold of a dark winter night
Just another midnight hour

[ Swano ]

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