Nicole Scherzinger
I'll Be Your Love

I'll be your love
I'll never make you feel, feel alone
If yesterday blindfolds your eyes
I'll bring you tomorrow

[Verse 1:]
There's a time, you feel like you're lost
Feel the night will never end
Through the daybreak
It's hard to hold on
But there is tomorrow
Brings you to your senses
As the sun will make it's way

You'll make it there
To the place where reality and dreams,
And love will be together
I'll keep the light from fading
If the clouds blind your way
And the wind sways your faith

I'll be your love, I'll be your light
I'll never make you feel, feel alone
If yesterday blindfolds your eyes
I'll bring you tomorrow

Let me see your smile

[Verse 2:]
Don't you cry
Over the past
Some days might be gray
And dreary
Not easy to leave
To leave it behind
'Til the rain stops in silence
I'll be there to hold your heart

I'll be with you
'Til you find the reason for love
We take it for granted
We'll keep the time from fading
'Cuz the world is here to stay
Your hope is deeper than pain

I'll be your love, I'll be your light
I'll never make you feel, feel alone
If yesterday blindfolds your eyes
I'll bring you tomorrow

[Verse 3:]
If you would believe
Believe in the world
A vision of love
And the strength inside your heart
You'll find a way

I'll be your love, I'll be your light
I'll never make you feel, feel alone
If yesterday blindfolds your eyes
I'll bring you tomorrow

I'll be your love, I'll be your light
I'll never make you feel, feel alone

Mirror lyrics:

I'll never make you feel, feel alone
I'll be your love, I'll be your light

I'll bring you tomorrow
If yesterday blindfolds your eyes
I'll never make you feel, feel alone
I'll be your love, I'll be your light

You'll find a way
And the strength inside your heart
A vision of love
Believe in the world
If you would believe
[Verse 3:]

I'll bring you tomorrow
If yesterday blindfolds your eyes
I'll never make you feel, feel alone
I'll be your love, I'll be your light

Your hope is deeper than pain
'Cuz the world is here to stay
We'll keep the time from fading
We take it for granted
'Til you find the reason for love
I'll be with you

I'll be there to hold your heart
'Til the rain stops in silence
To leave it behind
Not easy to leave
And dreary
Some days might be gray
Over the past
Don't you cry
[Verse 2:]

Let me see your smile

I'll bring you tomorrow
If yesterday blindfolds your eyes
I'll never make you feel, feel alone
I'll be your love, I'll be your light

And the wind sways your faith
If the clouds blind your way
I'll keep the light from fading
And love will be together
To the place where reality and dreams,
You'll make it there

As the sun will make it's way
Brings you to your senses
But there is tomorrow
It's hard to hold on
Through the daybreak
Feel the night will never end
There's a time, you feel like you're lost
[Verse 1:]

I'll bring you tomorrow
If yesterday blindfolds your eyes
I'll never make you feel, feel alone
I'll be your love

Relevant Tags:
II'll BBe YYour LLove 'll e our ove 'Ill eB oYur oLve j'll ve gour kove jI'll vBe gYour kLove Ij'll Bve Ygour Lkove
9'll ge hour oove 9I'll gBe hYour oLove I9'll Bge Yhour Loove l'll ne 6our pove lI'll nBe 6Your pLove Il'll Bne Y6our Lpove
o'll he uour oI'll hBe uYour Lve Io'll Bhe Yuour Lvoe k'll Bee 7our Lkve kI'll B 7Your Ik'll Be Y7our Lokve
8'll Bs jour L9ve 8I'll Bse jYour L9ove I8'll Bes Yjour Lo9ve u'll B3 tour L0ve uI'll B3e tYour L0ove Iu'll Be3 Ytour Lo0ve
I''ll Bf Yoour Llve Ill Bfe Yur Llove Il'l Bef Yuor Lolve I'lll Br Ykur Live I'l Bre Ykour Liove I'll Ber Yokur Loive
I'kl B4 Y9ur Lovve I'kll B4e Y9our Loe I'lkl Be4 Yo9ur Loev I'ol Bd Y0ur Lobe I'oll Bde Y0our Lobve I'lol Bed Yo0ur Lovbe
I'pl Bw Ylur Loce I'pll Bwe Ylour Locve I'lpl Bew Yolur Lovce Yiur Loge Yiour Logve Yoiur Lovge
I'lk Youur Lofe Yor Lofve

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