Would You Do It All Again

Would you do it all again?
Would you do it all the same?
Would you tell the same old yarns?
Would you make the same mistakes?

Come away
Come away
Come away
Come away

The history is on the wall
Telling stories of before when we walked across the bay
Now things have changed
But the distance stays the same.

Come away
Come away
Come away
Come away

Mirror lyrics:

Come away
Come away
Come away
Come away

But the distance stays the same.
Now things have changed
Telling stories of before when we walked across the bay
The history is on the wall

Come away
Come away
Come away
Come away

Would you make the same mistakes?
Would you tell the same old yarns?
Would you do it all the same?
Would you do it all again?

Relevant Tags:
WWould YYou DDo IIt AAll AAgain ould ou o t ll gain oWuld oYu oD tI lAl gAain aould gou xo jt zll zgain aWould gYou xDo jIt zAll zAgain
Waould Ygou Dxo Ijt Azll Azgain 3ould hou eo 9t qll qgain 3Would hYou eDo 9It qAll qAgain W3ould Yhou Deo I9t Aqll Aqgain dould 6ou fo lt sll sgain
dWould 6You fDo lIt sAll sAgain Wdould Y6ou Dfo Ilt Asll Asgain eould uou ro ot wll wgain eWould uYou rDo oIt wAll wAgain Weould Yuou Dro Iot Awll Awgain
sould 7ou co kt xll xgain sWould 7You cDo kIt xAll xAgain Wsould Y7ou Dco Ikt Axll Axgain 2ould jou so 8t Alll Aggain 2Would jYou sDo 8It Al Aain
W2ould Yjou Dso I8t All Aagin qould tou Doo ut Akl Ahain qWould tYou D uIt Akll Ahgain Wqould Ytou Do Iut Alkl Aghain Woould Yoou Dk Itt Aol Ayain
Wuld Yu Dko I Aoll Aygain Wuold Yuo Dok It Alol Agyain Wkuld Yku D9 If Apl Abain Wkould Ykou D9o Ift Apll Abgain Wokuld Yoku Do9 Itf Alpl Agbain
W9uld Y9u D0 I5 Avain W9ould Y9ou D0o I5t Avgain Wo9uld Yo9u Do0 It5 Agvain W0uld Y0u Dl Ih Alk Afain W0ould Y0ou Dlo Iht Afgain
Wo0uld Yo0u Dol Ith Allk Agfain Wluld Ylu Di Iy Alo Atain Wlould Ylou Dio Iyt Atgain Woluld Yolu Doi Ity Allo Agtain Wiuld Yiu I6 Alp Agaain
Wiould Yiou I6t Agin Woiuld Yoiu It6 Allp Agian Wouuld Youu Ig Agzin Wold Yo Igt Agzain Wolud You Itg Agazin
Wohld Yoh Ir Agqin Wohuld Yohu Irt Agqain Wouhld Youh Itr Agaqin

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