Phil Of The Future Theme

Meet a boy named Phil and his family
On vacation from the 22nd century
They got a rented time-machine and they're on their way
To a time way, way, way back in the day

So now he's Phil , Phil, Phil of the Future
Keeping it together just as best as he can. Phil, Phil, Phil of the Future
He's a 22nd century man, a 22nd century man

On a holiday through history,
But the final destination was a mystery
But something on the time-machine had blown
So they ended up right here in our time-zone

So now he's Phil, Phil, Phil of the Future,
Never knew in history just where he would land

So now he's Phil , Phil, Phil of the Future
Keeping it together just as best as he can. Phil, Phil, Phil of the Future
He's a 22nd century man, a 22nd century man

Mirror lyrics:

He's a 22nd century man, a 22nd century man
Keeping it together just as best as he can. Phil, Phil, Phil of the Future
So now he's Phil , Phil, Phil of the Future

Never knew in history just where he would land
So now he's Phil, Phil, Phil of the Future,

So they ended up right here in our time-zone
But something on the time-machine had blown
But the final destination was a mystery
On a holiday through history,

He's a 22nd century man, a 22nd century man
Keeping it together just as best as he can. Phil, Phil, Phil of the Future
So now he's Phil , Phil, Phil of the Future

To a time way, way, way back in the day
They got a rented time-machine and they're on their way
On vacation from the 22nd century
Meet a boy named Phil and his family

Relevant Tags:
PPhil OOf TThe FFuture TTheme hil f he uture heme hPil fO hTe uFture hTeme 0hil kf fhe cuture fheme 0Phil kOf fThe cFuture fTheme P0hil Okf Tfhe Fcuture Tfheme
lhil 9f 5he ruture 5heme lPhil 9Of 5The rFuture 5Theme Plhil O9f T5he Fruture T5heme ohil 0f hhe guture hheme oPhil 0Of hThe gFuture hTheme Pohil O0f Thhe Fguture Thheme
Phhil lf yhe tuture yheme Pil lOf yThe tFuture yTheme Pihl Olf Tyhe Ftuture Tyheme Pjil if 6he vuture 6heme Pjhil iOf 6The vFuture 6Theme Phjil Oif T6he Fvuture T6heme
Puil Off ghe duture gheme Puhil O gThe dFuture gTheme Phuil Of Tghe Fduture Tgheme Pnil Oc rhe Fuuture rheme Pnhil Ocf rThe Fture rTheme Phnil Ofc Trhe Ftuure Trheme
Pbil Or Fhture Pbhil Orf Te Fhuture Teme Phbil Ofr Teh Fuhture Tehme Pgil Og Tje F7ture Tjeme Pghil Ogf Tjhe F7uture Tjheme Phgil Ofg Thje Fu7ture Thjeme
Pyil Ot Tue Fkture Tueme Pyhil Otf Tuhe Fkuture Tuheme Phyil Oft Thue Fukture Thueme Phiil Ov Tne Fiture Tneme Phl Ovf Tnhe Fiuture Tnheme Phli Ofv Thne Fuiture Thneme
Phjl Od Tbe F8ture Tbeme Odf Tbhe F8uture Tbheme Phijl Ofd Thbe Fu8ture Thbeme Ph9l Tge Fjture Tgeme Ph9il Fjuture Phi9l Thge Fujture Thgeme
Phll Tye Fyture Tyeme Phlil Fyuture Phill Thye Fuyture Thyeme Phol Thee Futture Theeme Phoil Th Fuure Thme Phiol The Fuutre Thmee
Phkl Ths Fufure Thsme Phkil Thse Fufture Thseme Phikl Thes Futfure Thesme Ph8l Th3 Fu5ure Th3me Ph8il Th3e Fu5ture Th3eme Phi8l The3 Fut5ure The3me
Phul Thf Fuhure Thfme Thfe Thfeme Phiul Thef Futhure Thefme Thr Fuyure Thrme Phi Thre Threme Phil Ther Futyure Therme
Phik Th4 Fu6ure Th4me Th4e Fu6ture Th4eme Philk The4 Fut6ure The4me Phio Thd Fugure Thdme Thde Fugture Thdeme Philo Thed Futgure Thedme

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