Danny Phantom(theme Song)

*he's a phantom
*danny Phan- Danny phan- danny phantom

Young Danny Fenton he was just 14 when his parents built a very
strange machine

It was designed to view a world unseen
(he's gonna catch em all cuz he's danny phantom )

When it didnt quite work his
folks they just quit then Danny took a look inside of it
there was a great big flash
every thing just changed
his molecules got all rearranged

(phantom phantom)

When he first woke up he had realized he had snow white hair
and glowin green eyes
he could walk through walls
dissappear and fly
he was much more unique then the other guys
and it was then danny knew what he had to do
he had to stop all the ghosts that were comin through
he's here to fight for me and you

(he's gonna catch em all cuz he's danny phantom gonna catch em all
cuz he's danny phantom gonna catch em all cuz he's)

* He's Danny Phantom

Mirror lyrics:

* He's Danny Phantom

cuz he's danny phantom gonna catch em all cuz he's)
(he's gonna catch em all cuz he's danny phantom gonna catch em all

he's here to fight for me and you
he had to stop all the ghosts that were comin through
and it was then danny knew what he had to do
he was much more unique then the other guys
dissappear and fly
he could walk through walls
and glowin green eyes
When he first woke up he had realized he had snow white hair

(phantom phantom)

his molecules got all rearranged
every thing just changed
there was a great big flash
folks they just quit then Danny took a look inside of it
When it didnt quite work his

(he's gonna catch em all cuz he's danny phantom )
It was designed to view a world unseen

strange machine
Young Danny Fenton he was just 14 when his parents built a very

*danny Phan- Danny phan- danny phantom
*he's a phantom

Relevant Tags:
DDanny PPhantom(theme SSong) anny hantom(theme ong) aDnny hPantom(theme oSng) xanny 0hantom(theme zong) xDanny 0Phantom(theme zSong)
Dxanny P0hantom(theme Szong) eanny lhantom(theme wong) eDanny lPhantom(theme wSong) Deanny Plhantom(theme Swong) fanny ohantom(theme dong)
fDanny oPhantom(theme dSong) Dfanny Pohantom(theme Sdong) ranny Phhantom(theme eong) rDanny Pantom(theme eSong) Dranny Pahntom(theme Seong)
canny Pjantom(theme xong) cDanny Pjhantom(theme xSong) Dcanny Phjantom(theme Sxong) sanny Puantom(theme aong) sDanny Puhantom(theme aSong)
Dsanny Phuantom(theme Saong) Daanny Pnantom(theme Soong) Dnny Pnhantom(theme Sng) Dnany Phnantom(theme Snog) Dznny Pbantom(theme Skng)
Dzanny Pbhantom(theme Skong) Daznny Phbantom(theme Sokng) Dqnny Pgantom(theme S9ng) Dqanny Pghantom(theme S9ong) Daqnny Phgantom(theme So9ng)
Dsnny Pyantom(theme S0ng) Pyhantom(theme S0ong) Dasnny Phyantom(theme So0ng) Dwnny Phaantom(theme Slng) Dwanny Phntom(theme Slong)
Dawnny Phnatom(theme Solng) Dxnny Phzntom(theme Sing) Phzantom(theme Siong) Daxnny Phazntom(theme Soing) Dannny Phqntom(theme Sonng)
Dany Phqantom(theme Sog) Danny Phaqntom(theme Sogn) Damny Phsntom(theme Somg) Damnny Phsantom(theme Somng) Danmny Phasntom(theme Sonmg)
Dahny Phwntom(theme Sohg) Dahnny Phwantom(theme Sohng) Danhny Phawntom(theme Sonhg) Dajny Phxntom(theme Sojg) Dajnny Phxantom(theme Sojng)
Danjny Phaxntom(theme Sonjg) Dabny Phanntom(theme Sobg) Dabnny Phatom(theme Sobng) Danbny Phatnom(theme Sonbg) Phamtom(theme Songg)
Phamntom(theme Son) Danyn Phanmtom(theme Son)g Danmy Phahtom(theme Sonh) Phahntom(theme Dannmy Phanhtom(theme Songh)
Danhy Phajtom(theme Sony) Phajntom(theme Sonyg) Dannhy Phanjtom(theme Songy) Danjy Phabtom(theme Sonb) Phabntom(theme
Dannjy Phanbtom(theme Songb) Danby Phanttom(theme Sonv) Phanom(theme Sonvg) Dannby Phanotm(theme Songv) Dannyy Phanfom(theme Sonf)
Dann Phanftom(theme Sonfg) Phantfom(theme Songf) Danng Phan5om(theme Sont) Danngy Phan5tom(theme Sontg) Dannyg Phant5om(theme Songt)
Dannh Phanhom(theme Song)) Song Dannyh Phanthom(theme Song) Dann6 Phanyom(theme Dann6y Phanytom(theme
Danny6 Phantyom(theme Dannu Phan6om(theme Dannuy Phan6tom(theme Dannyu Phant6om(theme Dann7 Phangom(theme
Dann7y Phangtom(theme Danny7 Phantgom(theme Dannj Phanrom(theme Phanrtom(theme Dannyj Phantrom(theme
Dannt Phantoom(theme Dannty Phantm(theme Dannyt Phantmo(theme Phantkm(theme Phantkom(theme
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Phantim(theme Phantiom(theme Phantoim(theme Phantomm(theme Phanto(theme
Phanto(mtheme Phantoj(theme

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