Okkervil River
And I Have Seen The World Of Dreams

I have seen the world of dreams,
fresh-flown through the trees then dropped off at the curb alive,
have seen the world awake, and I don't know which I deserve.
So when sleep nightly comes to me, with all of these warm blankets piled on my back,
I'll hike to see the church of dreams, where all of the shutters are painted black.

And it seems like that's real until the time I awake,
and at midnight the moonlight reflects as the lake is shining at me,
until night takes it away. There's one world in the distance, one world in the way,
and not one can stay.

I have seen the wood of dreams, carved grainless and clean with a sweep of one hand,
and have been happy with the leaves on my body when laid under land.
So when sleep finally comes to me - because it comes for the sleek like it comes for the lame -
I'll sink beneath a weight of dreams so full and complete that I'm pushed from my name.

And it seems like that's real until I fall asleep, and then we load up the car
and drive far to some street where a new life awaits, until day takes it away.
There's one world in the distance, one world in the way,
and not one can stay.

Mirror lyrics:

and not one can stay.
There's one world in the distance, one world in the way,
and drive far to some street where a new life awaits, until day takes it away.
And it seems like that's real until I fall asleep, and then we load up the car

I'll sink beneath a weight of dreams so full and complete that I'm pushed from my name.
So when sleep finally comes to me - because it comes for the sleek like it comes for the lame -
and have been happy with the leaves on my body when laid under land.
I have seen the wood of dreams, carved grainless and clean with a sweep of one hand,

and not one can stay.
until night takes it away. There's one world in the distance, one world in the way,
and at midnight the moonlight reflects as the lake is shining at me,
And it seems like that's real until the time I awake,

I'll hike to see the church of dreams, where all of the shutters are painted black.
So when sleep nightly comes to me, with all of these warm blankets piled on my back,
have seen the world awake, and I don't know which I deserve.
fresh-flown through the trees then dropped off at the curb alive,
I have seen the world of dreams,

Relevant Tags:
AAnd II HHave SSeen TThe WWorld OOf DDreams nd ave een he orld f reams nAd I aHve eSen hTe oWrld fO rDeams znd j jave zeen fhe aorld kf xreams zAnd jI jHave zSeen fThe aWorld kOf xDreams
Aznd Ij Hjave Szeen Tfhe Waorld Okf Dxreams qnd 9 uave ween 5he 3orld 9f ereams qAnd 9I uHave wSeen 5The 3World 9Of eDreams Aqnd I9 Huave Sween T5he W3orld O9f Dereams snd l nave deen hhe dorld 0f freams
sAnd lI nHave dSeen hThe dWorld 0Of fDreams Asnd Il Hnave Sdeen Thhe Wdorld O0f Dfreams wnd o bave eeen yhe eorld lf rreams wAnd oI bHave eSeen yThe eWorld lOf rDreams Awnd Io Hbave Seeen Tyhe Weorld Olf Drreams
xnd k gave xeen 6he sorld if creams xAnd kI gHave xSeen 6The sWorld iOf cDreams Axnd Ik Hgave Sxeen T6he Wsorld Oif Dcreams Annd 8 yave aeen ghe 2orld Off sreams Ad 8I yHave aSeen gThe 2World O sDreams
Adn I8 Hyave Saeen Tghe W2orld Of Dsreams Amd u Haave rhe qorld Oc Amnd uI Hve Sen rThe qWorld Ocf Deams Anmd Iu Hvae Seen Trhe Wqorld Ofc Derams Ahd Hzve Ssen Woorld Or Ddeams
Ahnd Hzave Sseen Te Wrld Orf Ddreams Anhd Hazve Sesen Teh Wrold Ofr Drdeams Ajd Hqve S3en Tje Wkrld Og D4eams Ajnd Hqave S3een Tjhe Wkorld Ogf D4reams Anjd Haqve Se3en Thje Wokrld Ofg Dr4eams
Abd Hsve Sfen Tue W9rld Ot Dgeams Abnd Hsave Sfeen Tuhe W9orld Otf Dgreams Anbd Hasve Sefen Thue Wo9rld Oft Drgeams Andd Hwve Sren Tne W0rld Ov Dteams An Hwave Sreen Tnhe W0orld Ovf Dtreams
And Hawve Seren Thne Wo0rld Ofv Drteams Anx Hxve S4en Tbe Wlrld Od D5eams Anxd Hxave S4een Tbhe Wlorld Odf D5reams Andx Haxve Se4en Thbe Wolrld Ofd Dr5eams Ane Havve Sden Tge Wirld Dfeams
Aned Hae Wiorld Ande Haev Seden Thge Woirld Drfeams Anf Habe Swen Tye Worrld Deeams Anfd Habve Wold Andf Havbe Sewen Thye Wolrd Dreeams
Anr Hace Thee Wodld Anrd Hacve Th Wodrld Drams Andr Havce Sene The Wordld Draems Anc Hage Sesn Ths Wo4ld Drsams Ancd Hagve Thse Wo4rld Drseams
Andc Havge Seesn Thes Wor4ld Dresams Ans Hafe Se3n Th3 Wogld Dr3ams Ansd Hafve Th3e Wogrld Dr3eams Ands Havfe See3n The3 Worgld Dre3ams Havee Sefn Thf Wotld Drfams

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