Give The People What They Want

You got to give the people, now
Give the people what they want
Well, well, well, well

No, don't know you
You got to give the people
Give the people what they want?

But I done been all over the world
And everybody feels the same
It's a unanimous decision
I said they're ready for a change, yeah, yeah, yeah

Don't know you
Got to give the people, give it up
Give the people what they want?
Well, well

No, don't know? You don't know, no
Got to give the people
Well, well
Give the people what they want

Well, it's about time for things to get better
We want the truth, the truth and no more lies
We want freedom, justice and equality
I want it for you and I want it for me

You, you, don't you?
Got to give the people
Give the people what they want

Don't you know that, don't you know you
Got to give the people, give it up
Give the people what they want?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah

And you got to give the people
Give it up
Give the people what they want

You better
Don't ya know, don't ya know you
Got to give the people, give it up
Give the people what they want?

Don't you know that you just
Give the people what, give the people what
Give the people what
Give 'em what they want?

You better, you better, you better
Give the people what, give the people what
Give the people what
Give 'em what they want

Don't you know, don't you know ya
Give the people what
Give the people what
Give the people what
Give 'em what they want?

People want better education now
People want better food to eat
People want here better homing
People need money, money

People need equality
People need understanding
People need freedom
And gotta [Incomprehensible]

You, you, you, you, you better
Give the people what
Give the people what
Give the people what
Give 'em what they want

Don't you know you
Give the people what
Give the people what
Give the people what
Give 'em what they want?

Give the people what
Give the people what

Mirror lyrics:

Give the people what
Give the people what

Give 'em what they want?
Give the people what
Give the people what
Give the people what
Don't you know you

Give 'em what they want
Give the people what
Give the people what
Give the people what
You, you, you, you, you better

And gotta [Incomprehensible]
People need freedom
People need understanding
People need equality

People need money, money
People want here better homing
People want better food to eat
People want better education now

Give 'em what they want?
Give the people what
Give the people what
Give the people what
Don't you know, don't you know ya

Give 'em what they want
Give the people what
Give the people what, give the people what
You better, you better, you better

Give 'em what they want?
Give the people what
Give the people what, give the people what
Don't you know that you just

Give the people what they want?
Got to give the people, give it up
Don't ya know, don't ya know you
You better

Give the people what they want
Give it up
And you got to give the people

Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah
Give the people what they want?
Got to give the people, give it up
Don't you know that, don't you know you

Give the people what they want
Got to give the people
You, you, don't you?

I want it for you and I want it for me
We want freedom, justice and equality
We want the truth, the truth and no more lies
Well, it's about time for things to get better

Give the people what they want
Well, well
Got to give the people
No, don't know? You don't know, no

Well, well
Give the people what they want?
Got to give the people, give it up
Don't know you

I said they're ready for a change, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's a unanimous decision
And everybody feels the same
But I done been all over the world

Give the people what they want?
You got to give the people
No, don't know you

Well, well, well, well
Give the people what they want
You got to give the people, now

Relevant Tags:
GGive TThe PPeople WWhat TThey WWant ive he eople hat hey ant iGve hTe ePople hWat hTey aWnt hive fhe 0eople ahat fhey aant hGive fThe 0People aWhat fThey aWant
Ghive Tfhe P0eople Wahat Tfhey Waant yive 5he leople 3hat 5hey 3ant yGive 5The lPeople 3What 5They 3Want Gyive T5he Pleople W3hat T5hey W3ant bive hhe oeople dhat hhey dant
bGive hThe oPeople dWhat hThey dWant Gbive Thhe Poeople Wdhat Thhey Wdant vive yhe Peeople ehat yhey eant vGive yThe Pople eWhat yThey eWant Gvive Tyhe Poeple Wehat Tyhey Weant
five 6he Psople shat 6hey sant fGive 6The Pseople sWhat 6They sWant Gfive T6he Pesople Wshat T6hey Wsant tive ghe P3ople 2hat ghey 2ant tGive gThe P3eople 2What gThey 2Want
Gtive Tghe Pe3ople W2hat Tghey W2ant Giive rhe Pfople qhat rhey qant Gve rThe Pfeople qWhat rThey qWant Gvie Trhe Pefople Wqhat Trhey Wqant Gjve Prople Whhat
Gjive Te Preople Wat Tey Wnt Gijve Teh Perople Waht Tehy Wnat G9ve Tje P4ople Wjat Tjey Wznt G9ive Tjhe P4eople Wjhat Tjhey Wzant Gi9ve Thje Pe4ople Whjat Thjey Waznt
Glve Tue Pdople Wuat Tuey Wqnt Glive Tuhe Pdeople Wuhat Tuhey Gilve Thue Pedople Whuat Thuey Waqnt Gove Tne Pwople Wnat Tney Wsnt Goive Tnhe Pweople Wnhat Tnhey
Giove Thne Pewople Whnat Thney Wasnt Gkve Tbe Peoople Wbat Tbey Wwnt Gkive Tbhe Peple Wbhat Tbhey Wwant Gikve Thbe Pepole Whbat Thbey Wawnt G8ve Tge Pekple Wgat Tgey Wxnt
G8ive Pekople Wghat Wxant Gi8ve Thge Peokple Whgat Thgey Waxnt Guve Tye Pe9ple Wyat Tyey Wannt Guive Pe9ople Wyhat Wat Giuve Thye Peo9ple Whyat Thyey Watn
Givve Thee Pe0ple Whaat Theey Wamt Gie Th Pe0ople Wht Thy Wamnt Giev The Peo0ple Whta Thye Wanmt

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