Olivia Newton John
If Not For You

If not for you, babe I couldn't even find the door
I couldn't even see the floor
I'd be sad and blue, if not for you

If not for you, babe, the night would see me wide awake
The day would surely have to break
It would not be new, if not for you

If not for you, my sky would fall, rain would gather too
Without your love I'd be nowhere at all, I'd be lost, if not for you

If not for you, the Winter would hold no Spring
Couldn't hear a Robin sing
I just wouldn't have a clue, if not for you



If not for you, the Winter would hold no Spring
You couldn't hear a robin sing
I just wouldn't have a clue, if not for you
If not for you

Mirror lyrics:

If not for you
I just wouldn't have a clue, if not for you
You couldn't hear a robin sing
If not for you, the Winter would hold no Spring



I just wouldn't have a clue, if not for you
Couldn't hear a Robin sing
If not for you, the Winter would hold no Spring

Without your love I'd be nowhere at all, I'd be lost, if not for you
If not for you, my sky would fall, rain would gather too

It would not be new, if not for you
The day would surely have to break
If not for you, babe, the night would see me wide awake

I'd be sad and blue, if not for you
I couldn't even see the floor
If not for you, babe I couldn't even find the door

Relevant Tags:
IIf NNot FFor YYou f ot or ou fI oNt oFr oYu jf mot cor gou jIf mNot cFor gYou Ijf Nmot Fcor Ygou 9f hot ror hou 9If hNot rFor hYou
I9f Nhot Fror Yhou lf jot gor 6ou lIf jNot gFor 6You Ilf Njot Fgor Y6ou of bot tor uou oIf bNot tFor uYou Iof Nbot Ftor Yuou kf Noot vor 7ou
kIf Nt vFor 7You Ikf Nto Fvor Y7ou 8f Nkt dor jou 8If Nkot dFor jYou I8f Nokt Fdor Yjou uf N9t Foor tou uIf N9ot Fr tYou Iuf No9t Fro Ytou
Iff N0t Fkr Yoou I N0ot Fkor Yu If No0t Fokr Yuo Ic Nlt F9r Yku Icf Nlot F9or Ykou Ifc Nolt Fo9r Yoku Ir Nit F0r Y9u Irf Niot F0or Y9ou

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