Olivia Newton John
Hopelessly Devoted To You

Guess mine is not the first heart broken
My eyes are not the first to cry
I'm not the first to know
There's just no getting over you
You know, I'm just a fool who's willing
To sit around and wait for you
But baby can't you see
There's nothing else for me to do
I'm hopelessly devoted to you

But now there's nowhere to hide
Since you pushed my love aside
I'm out of my head
Hopelessly devoted to you
Hopelessly devoted to you
Hopelessly devoted to you

My head is saying "Fool, forget him"
My heart is saying "Don't let go"
Hold on 'till the end
That's what I intend to do
I'm hopelessly devoted to you

But now there's nowhere to hide
Since you pushed my love aside
I'm out of my head
I'm hopelessly devoted to you
I'm hopelessly devoted to you
I'm hopelessly devoted to you

Mirror lyrics:

I'm hopelessly devoted to you
I'm hopelessly devoted to you
I'm hopelessly devoted to you
I'm out of my head
Since you pushed my love aside
But now there's nowhere to hide

I'm hopelessly devoted to you
That's what I intend to do
Hold on 'till the end
My heart is saying "Don't let go"
My head is saying "Fool, forget him"

Hopelessly devoted to you
Hopelessly devoted to you
Hopelessly devoted to you
I'm out of my head
Since you pushed my love aside
But now there's nowhere to hide

I'm hopelessly devoted to you
There's nothing else for me to do
But baby can't you see
To sit around and wait for you
You know, I'm just a fool who's willing
There's just no getting over you
I'm not the first to know
My eyes are not the first to cry
Guess mine is not the first heart broken

Relevant Tags:
HHopelessly DDevoted TTo YYou opelessly evoted o ou oHpelessly eDvoted oT oYu jopelessly xevoted fo gou jHopelessly xDevoted fTo gYou
Hjopelessly Dxevoted Tfo Ygou uopelessly eevoted 5o hou uHopelessly eDevoted 5To hYou Huopelessly Deevoted T5o Yhou nopelessly fevoted ho 6ou
nHopelessly fDevoted hTo 6You Hnopelessly Dfevoted Tho Y6ou bopelessly revoted yo uou bHopelessly rDevoted yTo uYou Hbopelessly Drevoted Tyo Yuou
gopelessly cevoted 6o 7ou gHopelessly cDevoted 6To 7You Hgopelessly Dcevoted T6o Y7ou yopelessly sevoted go jou yHopelessly sDevoted gTo jYou
Hyopelessly Dsevoted Tgo Yjou Hoopelessly ro tou Hpelessly Dvoted rTo tYou Hpoelessly Dveoted Tro Ytou Hkpelessly Dsvoted Too Yoou
Hkopelessly T Yu Hokpelessly Desvoted To Yuo H9pelessly D3voted Tk Yku H9opelessly D3evoted Tko Ykou Ho9pelessly De3voted Tok Yoku
H0pelessly Dfvoted T9 Y9u H0opelessly T9o Y9ou Ho0pelessly Defvoted To9 Yo9u Hlpelessly Drvoted T0 Y0u Hlopelessly T0o Y0ou
Holpelessly Dervoted To0 Yo0u Hipelessly D4voted Tl Ylu Hiopelessly D4evoted Tlo Ylou Hoipelessly De4voted Tol Yolu Hoppelessly Ddvoted Ti Yiu
Hoelessly Ddevoted Tio Yiou Hoeplessly Dedvoted Toi Yoiu Ho0elessly Dwvoted Youu Dwevoted Yo Hop0elessly Dewvoted You
Holelessly Devvoted Yoh Deoted Yohu Hoplelessly Deovted Youh Hooelessly Deboted Yo7 Debvoted Yo7u
Hopoelessly Devboted You7 Hopeelessly Decoted Yok Hoplessly Decvoted Hopleessly Devcoted Youk Hopslessly Degoted Yoi
Hopselessly Degvoted Hopeslessly Devgoted Youi Hop3lessly Defoted Yo8 Hop3elessly Yo8u Hope3lessly Devfoted You8
Hopflessly Devooted Yoj Hopfelessly Devted Yoju Hopeflessly Devtoed Youj Hoprlessly Devkted Yoy Hoprelessly Devkoted Yoyu
Hoperlessly Devokted Youy Hop4lessly Dev9ted Hop4elessly Dev9oted Hope4lessly Devo9ted Hopdlessly Dev0ted
Hopdelessly Dev0oted Hopedlessly Devo0ted Hopwlessly Devlted Hopwelessly Devloted Hopewlessly Devolted
Hopellessly Devited Hopeessly Devioted Hopeelssly Devoited Hopekessly Devotted Hopeklessly Devoed
Hopelkessly Devoetd Hopeoessly Devofed Hopeolessly Devofted Hopeloessly Devotfed Hopepessly Devo5ed
Hopeplessly Devo5ted Hopelpessly Devot5ed

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