Olivia Newton John
Everything I Own

You sheltered me from harm
Kept me warm, kept me warm
You gave my life to me
Set me free, set me free
The finest years I ever knew
Were all the years I had with you

I would give anything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give anything I own
Just to have you back again

You taught me how to love
What it's of, what it's of
You never said too much but still you showed the way
And I knew from watching you
Nobody else could ever know
The part of me that can't let go

I would give anything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give anything I own
Just to have you back again

Is there someone you know
You're loving them so
You're taking them all for granted
You may lose them one day
Someone takes them away
And they don't hear the words you long to say

I would give anything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give anything I own
Just to have you back again
Just to touch you once again

Mirror lyrics:

Just to touch you once again
Just to have you back again
I would give anything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give anything I own

And they don't hear the words you long to say
Someone takes them away
You may lose them one day
You're taking them all for granted
You're loving them so
Is there someone you know

Just to have you back again
I would give anything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give anything I own

The part of me that can't let go
Nobody else could ever know
And I knew from watching you
You never said too much but still you showed the way
What it's of, what it's of
You taught me how to love

Just to have you back again
I would give anything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give anything I own

Were all the years I had with you
The finest years I ever knew
Set me free, set me free
You gave my life to me
Kept me warm, kept me warm
You sheltered me from harm

Relevant Tags:
EEverything II OOwn verything wn vEerything I wOn sverything j kwn sEverything jI kOwn Esverything Ij Okwn 3verything 9 9wn
3Everything 9I 9Own E3verything I9 O9wn fverything l 0wn fEverything lI 0Own Efverything Il O0wn rverything o lwn rEverything oI lOwn
Erverything Io Olwn 4verything k iwn 4Everything kI iOwn E4verything Ik Oiwn dverything 8 Owwn dEverything 8I On Edverything I8 Onw
wverything u Oan wEverything uI Oawn Ewverything Iu Owan Evverything O3n Eerything O3wn Eevrything Ow3n Eberything Odn
Ebverything Odwn Evberything Owdn Ecerything Oen Ecverything Oewn Evcerything Owen Egerything Osn Egverything Oswn
Evgerything Owsn Eferything O2n O2wn Evferything Ow2n Eveerything Oqn Evrything Oqwn Evreything Owqn
Evsrything Ownn Evserything Ow Evesrything Own Ev3rything Owm Ev3erything Owmn Eve3rything Ownm Evfrything Owh
Owhn Evefrything Ownh Evrrything Owj Evrerything Owjn Everrything Ownj Ev4rything Owb Ev4erything Owbn
Eve4rything Ownb Evdrything Evderything Evedrything Evwrything Evwerything Evewrything
Eveything Eveyrthing Evedything Everdything Eve4ything Ever4ything Evegything
Evegrything Evergything Evetything Evetrything Evertything Eve5ything Eve5rything
Ever5ything Evefything Everfything Eveeything Evereything Everyything Everthing
Evertyhing Evergthing Everygthing Everhthing Everhything Everyhthing Ever6thing

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