Chews You Up, Spits You Out

Album: One-Armed Bandit
Track: 03

What's a friend supposed to do
When you're down
and you know
there's no love anymore
yes I know
that the truth will not come true?
unless the stars will not shine anymore
yes I know

What's a friend supposed to do
When you're down
and you know
there's no love anymore
yes I know
that the truth will not come true
unless the stars will not shine anymore
yes I know

It chews you up, it spits you out
and it's worse than razerblades in your mouth
it turns you inside out
It chews you up, it spits you out
and it's worse than razerblades in your mouth
it turns your world upside down

For my tears and for my glory
For the persons who ignore it
I must warn you to be sure
your love is real
for my tears and for my glory
for the persons who ignore it
I must warn you to be sure
Your love is real
Yes I know
Yes I know
Yes I know
Yes I know

Mirror lyrics:

Yes I know
Yes I know
Yes I know
Yes I know
Your love is real
I must warn you to be sure
for the persons who ignore it
for my tears and for my glory
your love is real
I must warn you to be sure
For the persons who ignore it
For my tears and for my glory

it turns your world upside down
and it's worse than razerblades in your mouth
It chews you up, it spits you out
it turns you inside out
and it's worse than razerblades in your mouth
It chews you up, it spits you out

yes I know
unless the stars will not shine anymore
that the truth will not come true
yes I know
there's no love anymore
and you know
When you're down
What's a friend supposed to do

yes I know
unless the stars will not shine anymore
that the truth will not come true?
yes I know
there's no love anymore
and you know
When you're down
What's a friend supposed to do

Track: 03
Album: One-Armed Bandit

Relevant Tags:
CChews YYou UUp, SSpits YYou OOut hews ou p, pits ou ut hCews oYu pU, pSits oYu uOt fhews gou hp, zpits gou kut fChews gYou hUp, zSpits gYou kOut
Cfhews Ygou Uhp, Szpits Ygou Okut xhews hou 7p, wpits hou 9ut xChews hYou 7Up, wSpits hYou 9Out Cxhews Yhou U7p, Swpits Yhou O9ut vhews 6ou kp, dpits 6ou 0ut
vChews 6You kUp, dSpits 6You 0Out Cvhews Y6ou Ukp, Sdpits Y6ou O0ut dhews uou ip, epits uou lut dChews uYou iUp, eSpits uYou lOut Cdhews Yuou Uip, Sepits Yuou Olut
Chhews 7ou 8p, xpits 7ou iut Cews 7You 8Up, xSpits 7You iOut Cehws Y7ou U8p, Sxpits Y7ou Oiut Cjews jou jp, apits jou Ouut Cjhews jYou jUp, aSpits jYou Ot
Chjews Yjou Ujp, Sapits Yjou Otu Cuews tou yp, Sppits tou Oht Cuhews tYou yUp, Sits tYou Ohut Chuews Ytou Uyp, Sipts Ytou Ouht Cnews Yoou Upp, S0its Yoou O7t
Cnhews Yu U, S0pits Yu O7ut Chnews Yuo U,p Sp0its Yuo Ou7t Cbews Yku U0, Slits Yku Okt Cbhews Ykou U0p, Slpits Ykou Chbews Yoku Up0, Splits Yoku Oukt
Cgews Y9u Ul, Soits Y9u Oit Cghews Y9ou Ulp, Sopits Y9ou Chgews Yo9u Upl, Spoits Yo9u Ouit Cyews Y0u Uo, Spiits Y0u O8t Cyhews Y0ou Uop, Spts Y0ou O8ut
Chyews Yo0u Upo, Sptis Yo0u Ou8t Cheews Ylu Up,, Spjts Ylu Ojt Chws Ylou Up Spjits Ylou Ojut Chwes Yolu Up, Spijts Yolu Oujt Chsws Yiu Sp9ts Yiu Oyt
Chsews Yiou Sp9its Yiou Oyut Chesws Yoiu Spi9ts Yoiu Ouyt Ch3ws Youu Splts Youu Outt Ch3ews Yo Yo Ou Che3ws You Spilts You Out
Chfws Yoh Spots Yoh Ouf Chfews Yohu Yohu Ouft Chefws Youh Spiots Youh Outf Chrws Yo7 Spkts Yo7 Ou5 Chrews Yo7u Spkits Yo7u Ou5t

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