Zz Top
Rough Boy

What in the worlds come all over me
I aint got a chance of one and three
Aint got no rap
Aint got no line
But if you'll give me just a minute i'll be feelin fine

I am the one who can fade the heat
The one they all say just can't be beat
I'll shoot it to you straight
and look you in the eye
So give me just a minute and i'll tell you why

I'm a rough boy
I'm a rough boy

I dont care how you look at me
Because i'm the one you will see
We can make it work
We can make it right
So give me one more minute and i'll tell you why

I'm a rough boy
I'm a rough boy

Mirror lyrics:

I'm a rough boy
I'm a rough boy

So give me one more minute and i'll tell you why
We can make it right
We can make it work
Because i'm the one you will see
I dont care how you look at me

I'm a rough boy
I'm a rough boy

So give me just a minute and i'll tell you why
and look you in the eye
I'll shoot it to you straight
The one they all say just can't be beat
I am the one who can fade the heat

But if you'll give me just a minute i'll be feelin fine
Aint got no line
Aint got no rap
I aint got a chance of one and three
What in the worlds come all over me

Relevant Tags:
RRough BBoy ough oy oRugh oBy dough voy dRough vBoy Rdough Bvoy 4ough goy 4Rough gBoy R4ough Bgoy gough noy gRough nBoy
Rgough Bnoy tough hoy tRough hBoy Rtough Bhoy 5ough Booy 5Rough By R5ough Byo fough Bky fRough Bkoy Rfough Boky eough B9y
eRough B9oy Reough Bo9y Roough B0y Rugh B0oy Ruogh Bo0y Rkugh Bly Rkough Bloy Rokugh Boly R9ugh Biy R9ough Bioy Ro9ugh Boiy
R0ugh Boyy R0ough Bo Ro0ugh Boy Rlugh Bog Rlough Bogy Rolugh Boyg Riugh Boh Riough Bohy Roiugh Boyh Rouugh Bo6 Rogh Bo6y
Roguh Boy6 Rohgh Bou Rohugh Bouy Rouhgh Boyu Ro7gh Bo7 Ro7ugh Bo7y

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