Zz Top
Brown Sugar

My friends, they all told me,
Man, there's something gonna change your life.
My friends, they all told me,
Man, there's something gonna change your life.
Gotta have that brown sugar.
Man it's just gonna change my life.
Man, I gotta have that brown sugar.
Man, it's just gonna make me feel so right.

There's something make me feel good,
And it's gonna change my life.
There's something make me feel good,
And it's gonna change my life.
I gotta have some of that brown sugar,
Gotta try it before I die.

Man it sure do save me
When there's no place left for me.
Man it sure do save me
When there's no place left for me.
Gotta have some of that brown sugar
As long as that's gonna set me free.

Man, there's somethin' make me feel good
And it's gonna change my life.
Man, there's somethin' make me feel good
And it's gonna change my life.
I gotta have some of that brown sugar,
Gotta try it before I die.

Mirror lyrics:

Gotta try it before I die.
I gotta have some of that brown sugar,
And it's gonna change my life.
Man, there's somethin' make me feel good
And it's gonna change my life.
Man, there's somethin' make me feel good

As long as that's gonna set me free.
Gotta have some of that brown sugar
When there's no place left for me.
Man it sure do save me
When there's no place left for me.
Man it sure do save me

Gotta try it before I die.
I gotta have some of that brown sugar,
And it's gonna change my life.
There's something make me feel good,
And it's gonna change my life.
There's something make me feel good,

Man, it's just gonna make me feel so right.
Man, I gotta have that brown sugar.
Man it's just gonna change my life.
Gotta have that brown sugar.
Man, there's something gonna change your life.
My friends, they all told me,
Man, there's something gonna change your life.
My friends, they all told me,

Relevant Tags:
BBrown SSugar rown ugar rBown uSgar vrown zugar vBrown zSugar Bvrown Szugar grown wugar gBrown wSugar Bgrown Swugar nrown dugar
nBrown dSugar Bnrown Sdugar hrown eugar hBrown eSugar Bhrown Seugar Brrown xugar Bown xSugar Borwn Sxugar Bdown augar Bdrown aSugar
Brdown Saugar B4own Suugar B4rown Sgar Br4own Sguar Bgown Shgar Shugar Brgown Suhgar Btown S7gar Btrown S7ugar Brtown Su7gar
B5own Skgar B5rown Skugar Br5own Sukgar Bfown Sigar Bfrown Siugar Brfown Suigar Beown S8gar Berown S8ugar Breown Su8gar Broown Sjgar
Brwn Sjugar Brwon Sujgar Brkwn Sygar Brkown Syugar Brokwn Suygar Br9wn Suggar Br9own Suar Bro9wn Suagr Br0wn Suhar Br0own
Bro0wn Sughar Brlwn Suyar Brlown

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