Less Of Me

(Marian Saner)
I'm a driver in the race
Power speed for first place
I'm a striver for wealth and fame
I'm the master of my game
To each his own I heard one say
But all would be mine if I had my way
I'm a liar to think I'd win
All kings before me lost in the end
Less of me and all I'm trying to be
Building my kingdom just to find it so
Short of Your Glory
I'm a traitor dressed up in pride
Constructing life on compromise
Manipulator #19# I'll change your mind!
Intent to finish all I design
I'll use my friends #19# I've lost a few
Small price to pay #19# can't wait for you
I'm a deceiver bound up in chains
Painting my face to hide my pain
God save me!
I'm a submitter #19# forfeit my rule
In the eyes of the world I'm a fool
I'm a quitter from serving myself
And bearing fruit that rots on the shelf
I'm a follower #19# old ways denied
Took up the cross #19# I'm crucified
I'm now a vessel where Jesus Lives
There's nothin' to lose
I had nothing to give
Less of me the key to my release
Surrender this life to you
Let Your Glory increase #19# Yeah!

Mirror lyrics:

Let Your Glory increase #19# Yeah!
Surrender this life to you
Less of me the key to my release
I had nothing to give
There's nothin' to lose
I'm now a vessel where Jesus Lives
Took up the cross #19# I'm crucified
I'm a follower #19# old ways denied
And bearing fruit that rots on the shelf
I'm a quitter from serving myself
In the eyes of the world I'm a fool
I'm a submitter #19# forfeit my rule
God save me!
Painting my face to hide my pain
I'm a deceiver bound up in chains
Small price to pay #19# can't wait for you
I'll use my friends #19# I've lost a few
Intent to finish all I design
Manipulator #19# I'll change your mind!
Constructing life on compromise
I'm a traitor dressed up in pride
Short of Your Glory
Building my kingdom just to find it so
Less of me and all I'm trying to be
All kings before me lost in the end
I'm a liar to think I'd win
But all would be mine if I had my way
To each his own I heard one say
I'm the master of my game
I'm a striver for wealth and fame
Power speed for first place
I'm a driver in the race
(Marian Saner)

Relevant Tags:
LLess OOf MMe ess f e eLss fO eM kess kf je kLess kOf jMe Lkess Okf Mje oess 9f ke oLess 9Of kMe Loess O9f Mke pess 0f ne pLess 0Of nMe
Lpess O0f Mne Leess lf Mee Lss lOf M Lses Olf Me Lsss if Ms Lsess iOf Mse Lesss Oif Mes L3ss Off M3 L3ess O M3e Le3ss Of Me3 Lfss Oc Mf
Lfess Ocf Mfe Lefss Ofc Mef Lrss Or Mr Lress Orf Mre Lerss Ofr Mer L4ss Og M4 L4ess Ogf M4e Le4ss Ofg Me4 Ldss Ot Md Ldess Otf Mde Ledss Oft Med

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